2021 has arrived, and Pokemon Go is kicking off the new year in a big way. Developer Niantic has outlined a variety of events that players can look forward to in the first month of 2021, including a New Year's celebration, new Pokemon Spotlight Hours, returning Legendary Raids, and more. You can read up on all of the biggest January 2021 events happening in Pokemon Go below.
Table of Contents [hide]New Year's EventLegendary And Mega RaidsJanuary Research Breakthrough Encounter: ChanseyPokemon Spotlight HoursUnova Celebration EventJanuary Community Day
Niantic is ringing in 2021 with a New Year's celebration, which kicks off at 10 PM local time on December 31 and runs through January 4. Throughout the event, you'll be able to catch a variety of festive Pokemon. Pikachu that are wearing New Year's hats will appear in the wild, while party hat-wearing versions of Raticate, Wobbuffet, and Wurmple will be featured in one-star Raids. Slowpoke wearing 2020 glasses will also be available; evolve it into Slowbro and it'll be wearing 2021 glasses.
Those aren't the only special Pokemon appearing during the New Year's event. Complete Field Research tasks and you'll be able to encounter party hat Eevee, while Shiny Wynaut may hatch from 2 km eggs. There will also be New Year's-themed avatar items in the game's style shop, and the following bonuses will be active throughout the event:
2x hatch Candy2x hatch Stardust1/2 hatch distance
January 1-5: Ho-OhJanuary 5-12: Genesect (w/Burn Drive)January 12-19: HeatranJanuary 19-26: Groudon and KyogreJanuary 26: A "surprise Pokemon"In addition to the Legendaries, Niantic is shaking up the Mega Raid bosses for January. Mega Charizard Y, Mega Blastoise, and Mega Abomasnow will appear in Mega Raids for the first part of the month. Then, beginning January 19, a new Mega-Evolved Pokemon will debut in Raids, and it'll appear alongside Mega Venusaur and Mega Houndoom.
Date | Spotlight Pokemon | Special Bonus |
January 5 | Lillipup | 2x catch Stardust |
January 12 | Drifloon | 2x catch XP |
January 19 | Shroomish | 2x catch Candy |
January 26 | Phanpy | 2x transfer Candy |
SnivyTepigOshawottLillipupHerdierBlitzleRoggenrolaDrilburScraggyTympoleVenipedeTrubbishGothitaSolosisFerroseedAdditionally, you'll have your first chance to catch Shiny Snivy in Pokemon Go during the event, and various Gen 5 Pokemon will be hatching from eggs and appearing as Raid bosses. There will also be event-exclusive Field Research tasks to complete, which will reward you with Stardust and Gen 5 Pokemon encounters.
Finally, Genesect will return to five-star Raids during the Unova Celebration. This time around, the Mythical Pokemon will be holding a Burn Drive, making this your first chance to catch this form in Pokemon Go. A Sinnoh Celebration event will follow from January 12-17.
As usual, you'll be also be able to get an event-exclusive move during January's Community Day. Power up Machop's evolved form, Machoke, into Machamp up to two hours after the event ends and it will learn the Dark-type attack Payback. Finally, you'll earn triple the usual amount of Stardust for catching Pokemon during the event, and any Incense you use will last for three hours.