The Saved by the Bell revival series, which premiered last week on Peacock, has been generating controversy over the extended holiday weekend. Episode 6, "Teen-Line," has a running gag about actor-singer Selena Gomez's 2017 kidney transplant, which you can see in the embedded tweet below and decide for yourself about what was intended.
— vs (@VirtualShowz) November 28, 2020
Peacock and NBCUniversal issued a joint statement (via Variety) expressing their shared regrets over this saying, "We apologize. It was never our intention to make light of Selena's health. We have been in touch with her team and will be making a donation to her charity, The Selena Gomez Fund for Lupus Research at USC."
Gomez has not issued a comment in response.
The revival is a reimagining of the original popular '90s high school comedy. This new version mixes members of the original cast with new actors--aside from Dustin Diamond (Screech) and Dennis Haskins (Mr. Belding), many familiar faces have returned including Mario Lopez (Slater), Elizabeth Berkley (Jessie), Mark-Paul Gosselaar (Zack), and Tiffani Thiessen (Kelly). The new cast includes Belmont Cameli as Slater and Jessie's son and Velazquez as Daisy.
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Saved by the Bell originally ran for four seasons from 1989 to 1993. It was followed by two spin-off series, Saved by the Bell: The College Years and Saved by the Bell: The New Class, plus two TV movies, Saved by the Bell: Hawaiian Style and Saved by the Bell: Wedding in Las Vegas.
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