Director Bong Joon Ho's next movie after the Oscar-winning thriller Parasite has been officially announced with a cryptic teaser. As rumored, the film--called Mickey 17--stars Robert Pattinson.
The movie is based on the novel Mickey7 from writer Edward Ashton, and it tells the story of a man sent to an ice world who can clone himself. Pattinson plays Mickey 17, an "expendable employee" who takes on risky jobs knowing he might die on the ice world of Niflheim.
That's OK because Mickey 17 can clone himself and retain most of his memories. However, after Mickey 17 goes out on a job and is presumed dead, he returns to base to find a new clone, Mickey 18, in his place, according to a description of the film.
Mickey 17 releases in theaters on March 29, 2024. Bong is writing, directing, and producing the film. According to a previous report, Ashton gave Bong an unpublished copy of Mickey 7 in 2021, and Bong was very keen to turn it into a film.
It was reported that "every A-lister in their 30s was chasing the role" before Pattinson landed the part.
Bong won Best Director for Parasite, which also won Best Picture, Best Original Screenplay, and Best International Feature Film. Bong's was already in business Warner Bros. before this, as he is also producing a Parasite TV series for HBO.
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