Outlast 2, the sequel to Red Barrels’ acclaimed 2013 survival horror video game Outlast, is scheduled to hit the shelves next week for PC as well as both the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. If you are up for travelling through the malevolent village of full of spiteful killers, it is time you check your PC system specifications and see if your rig is capable of aiding you through this perilous journey.
Shared below, you will find the official maximum as well as minimum system requirements for Outlast 2. In comparison to an average title today, the upcoming first-person game doesn’t ask for a lot. To enjoy the horror show in all its glory, you are only going to need a modest graphics card. The developer recommends Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 or AMD Radeon HD 7850 coupled with a Core-i5 processor and 8 GB of RAM.
Following are the specs, via Steam:
OS: Windows Vista 64-bitCPU: Intel Core i3-530 2.9 GHz or AMD Phenom II X3 715 2.8 GHzRAM: 4 GB System MemoryGPU RAM: 1 GB Video MemoryGPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 260 or AMD Radeon HD 4870DX: DirectX 10HDD: 30 GB available space
OS: Windows 7 64-bitCPU: Intel Core i5-760 2.8 GHz or AMD FX-8100 2.8 GHzRAM: 8 GB System MemoryGPU RAM: 1.5 GB Video MemoryGPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 or AMD Radeon HD 7850DX: DirectX 11HDD: 30 GB available space