The Nintendo Switch is now officially the fastest-selling console in history to reach the 100 million units mark, beating Sony’s PS4.
Nintendo today published its latest earnings results, and despite not being able to meet demand due to shortages, it managed to sell 10.67m Switch units over the holiday period, thereby bringing total global Switch sales to 103.54 million units sold since the platform’s launch back in 2017.
With the Switch now passing the 100 million units sold mark as of December 31, 2021, Nintendo’s platform has become the company’s best-selling home console to date, and also the fastest-selling home console in video game history. Prior to this impressive feat, Sony’s PS4 was the fastest-selling console to reach the 100 million mark, as revealed back in July of 2019. Sony launched its PS4 back in November of 2013.
Now that the Switch has beaten both the original PlayStation (more than 102.4 million
as of March 31, 2012) and the Nintendo Wii (101.63 million lifetime), next on track is the PlayStation 4, which has currently sold more than 116.9 million units globally. For reference – Nintendo managed to sell only 13.56 million units of the Switch predecessor, the Wii U.
As reported late last year, Nintendo is also suffering from shortages and Nintendo President Shuntaro Furukawa has warned that his company won't be able to meet demand in the coming months. Back in November of last year, Nintendo already lowered its Switch sales forecast by 1.5 million following chip shortages.
“For Nintendo Switch hardware, we reduced our forecast by 1.50 million units to 24.00 million units", the company said. "Our shipment forecast for the second half was reduced because of the change in our production plan due to the effects of the global semiconductor shortages. On the other hand, we revised the Nintendo Switch software forecast up by 10.00 million units to 200.00 million units based on the sales performance of the first half.”