Nintendo Switch System Update 10.0.3 has just been deployed by Nintendo and you might have guessed what it does.
In a similar fashion as Sony’s PS4 firmware updates, Nintendo’s latest Switch system updates improves the general stability of the platform. According to Nintendo’s official release notes for this firmware update, this is all there is to it. Luckily, we have the Switch homebrew scene which reveals that today’s system update updates the Switch OS's certificate store, which contains all of the files that the Switch uses to help identify servers as trustworthy (HTTPS).
In addition, it seems that the update adds a new filter option to the “Great Deals” section in the Nintendo eShop to help users sort the best deals.
As for the sake of completeness, we’ve included Nintendo’s official release notes down below:
General system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience.The Nintendo Switch is available globally now. System updates 10.0.0, 10.0.1 and 10.0.2 were released last month. The 10.0.2 system update was aimed to address a Switch Pro controller issue causing incorrect joystick control.