TOKYO--In an interview with Nintendo Dream magazine, Nintendo spokesperson Mitsuaki Hagishima confirmed that the company will not hold a Space World event for the third year in a row. "We could have opened the Space World [this year], but holding a large event in one location makes it difficult for people from other regions to participate," Hagishima commented.
Space World was Nintendo's annual self-promotion convention in Japan, but it has been on hold since the 2002 event was canceled. However, Hagishima promised it will be back on--someday. "It's not like we won't ever open a Space World event again. But we aren't going to hold one this summer," he told Nintendo Dream.
In a less surprising move, Nintendo will once again not exhibit at the Tokyo Game Show. (The game giant has skipped TGS entirely for several years running.) Instead, Nintendo is planning a nationwide promotion of its upcoming DS handheld game device. "We want as many of our fans in the country as possible to experience the DS before it goes on sale at the end of the year," said Hagishima. "So, instead, we're currently planning an effective event that can be expanded to a nationwide scale."