Nival Interactive, developer of titles such as Blitzkrieg and the upcoming Heroes of Might and Magic V, today announced that Night Watch for the PC is currently in development. The game is based on the Russian science-fiction film Nochnoy dozor, which was a huge hit in that country. Nival has not announced a publisher or a release date for the game, and it's unclear whether it will be released in the US.
In the role-playing game Night Watch, gamers will play as a member of the Night Watch, an order set to "protect the case of Light" against the rival Day Watch. Both groups can enter the Dusk, an alternate realm full of magic. By entering the Dusk, players' magical abilities will be greatly enhanced, but the plane will also deplete their energies.
Characters can specialize in three classes. The shape-shifters can alter their forms into those of animals that rely on physical might. Enchanters have the ability to turn normal items into magical items. Mages harness the power of magic and can cast mighty spells.
For more information on the game, check out the official Night Watch Web site.