The Xbox 360 isn't being ignored by any means. Major Nelson has just posted on his blog that the user interface is going to be updated so as to be as social as its big brother, the Xbox One.
Just like on the Xbox One, you can see and interact with your friends activities. Interactively like what they do, comment or simply ignore your friends activity too.
So, then, the Xbox 360 still lives on and will be supported for some time to come. Despite having backwards compatibility, it's still a relevant platform for many. The Xbox One is slowly gaining first party games that are well worth it, especially those shown at Gamescom.
Major Nelson has posted the below instructions on what to do should you start seeing your Activity Feed filled with, well, activity.
On your Xbox 360 you will see Xbox 360, Xbox One, and Windows 10 activity (achievements, text posts, GameDVR clips, screenshots, broadcasts and more).You will also be able to Like, Comment on, or Share any of those activities as well as post a new message to your feed.To access the Activity Feed on your Xbox 360:From Social, select your own avatar, then Activity FeedYou can also view a specific friend’s activity by selecting their avatar in Friends or their gamer card in the Guide. From their select View Activity Feed.