Nintendo has released a new batch of shots for Wario Land 3 on its Japanese web site. The company also revealed some new "transformations" for Wario.
For those who don't remember Wario Land 2, Nintendo's antihero cannot die anymore. Instead, depending on the enemy that attacks Wario, Wario changes into a new form and gains certain powers. For example, crushing Wario means he'll be wafer-thin and can fit into very small places. This time around, we'll see an electrocuted Wario, a "ball-of-string Wario" (don't ask, because we haven't a clue), an invisible Wario, a frozen Wario, a snowman Wario, and my favorite, a vampire Wario (complete with ghost and bat transformations). Additionally, the game has a day and night system, with different powers for Wario at night and different enemies as well.
The game, set for release next week in Japan (March 21), is currently penciled in for a May launch in the US for the Game Boy Color only.