LONDON - A large portion of Sony Computer Entertainment's ECTS booth was dedicated to the PlayStation 2. Knowing there would be hoards of PlayStation fans eager to see more of its coming next-generation system, SCEE put together a new promo reel and presented it to onlookers in a room littered with monitors. Sadly, most everything on the tape had already been shown before. There appeared to be, however, some lengthier segments of some of the game demos, such as PlayStation 2's Tekken. As an early demo segment of the Tekken title currently in development , the footage is quite amazing. Even more amazing is the set of close-up shots we've acquired from the show. If these don't get you excited about the next Tekken, nothing will.
The PlayStation 2 will officially be unveiled early next week in Japan and GameSpot News will be on hand to deliver all of the details. Frankly, we can't wait.