PlayStation 5 owners have been dealing with several issues since the console first debuted, and the latest bug is no less strange than the last.
There are reports now floating around that the the disc-based version of the PS5 is experiencing some strange issues with spinning the disc in the drive seemingly at random.
Reports across Reddit and ResetEra indicate that affected PS5 units will simply spin any disc in the drive once about every 45 minutes to an hour. It does not matter if you are playing the disc in the drive or if you're playing a digital version of a different title. The same issue still continues to plague users.
"I have the disc for Ghost of Tsushima in my PS5 at the moment and it spins up even if I’m playing Spider-Man or Demon’s Souls," wrote one Reddit user. "I can understand it needing to check that the disc is still there, but surely it shouldn’t need to spin it that quickly/loudly to do so."
Some believe this to be some sort of authentication check by the PlayStation 5 to make sure that the console still has the disc in the system. But the spinning occurs even when you aren't even playing a game. As a result, users have taken to removing discs after they're done playing a specific game simply to avoid the frustration of hearing and dealing with the constant spinning.
This is hardly the first issue that users have experienced with the system. Sony just rolled out a new firmware update meant to iron out a few of the issues users have been experiencing since launch, though that update seemingly hasn't resolve the problems users have been experiencing when trying to place the PS5 in Rest Mode.
Sony has yet to release a statement on this particular problem. We'll update this story should the company respond to a request for comment.