This is not exactly the busiest week ever for new shows and movies hitting Netflix, but what will be on offer is thankfully pretty solid. With just a handful of new content coming to the streaming service, there still is somehow something for pretty much everyone.
Easily one of the big standouts among the upcoming days is Season 3 of Disenchantment--landing on the streaming service January 15. Where creator Matt Groening's The Simpsons is a satire of modern life, and Futurama was a send-up of sci-fi, Netflix's Disenchantment is an animated sitcom both celebrating and skewering fantasy tropes. While the offbeat show has not exactly blown up since debuting in 2018, fans of Simpsons sensibilities and animation style have a lot to love in this show that follows the story of Bean, a rebellious and alcoholic princess. (It's funnier than that sounds.) This season will be the show's true test, as it will now be up for renewal after getting the greenlight for an impressive three seasons when first getting picked up.
Also that day, Steven Spielberg's Hook surfaces on Netflix. It really says a lot about the 1991 film (and the actor, for that matter) that Robin Williams as Peter Pan is one of the actor's more grounded performances, and his chemistry with Dustin Hoffman as the arch Captain Hook is likely more nuanced than most people remember. (Julia Roberts is also excellent as the digitally shrunken Tinkerbell.) The film is flat-out fun, which is just what these winter months call for.
For something a little different, Outside the Wire is a Netflix Original. A cyberpunk war movie about a drone pilot teaming up with an android, the unlikely pair are tasked with stopping a nuclear attack. It looks to be a throwback action movie with impressive stunts and plenty of well-timed wisecracks.
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Below, you'll find everything coming to Netflix this week, and if you're interested in more streaming news, check out the biggest shows that are just over the horizon in 2021.
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