The Ni No Kuni series has become, with just two entries, among the most recognizable JRPGs series. A third entry in the series has yet to be formally announced, but it seems like the game is indeed in development.
Speaking in a recent interview with Nikkei, Level-5 President Akihiro Hino confirmed that a new Ni No Kuni game is currently in development, and will release after the movie is out in late August. No additional detail has been provided, but there's a good chance we may hear more about the game in the coming months.
Ni No Kuni 2 is the latest entry in the series. The game takes a different direction than its predecessor, offering a more action-oriented experience and a very interesting story.
King Evan’s adventures are something that I soon won’t forget after wrapping up Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom. The rare trifecta of having everything I wanted in a JRPG was in full swing: a charming story with memorable characters, combat that ratchets up into higher difficulty with the postgame content, and side content that helped it stand out as something truly unique. While the kingdom skirmishes are the weakest part of Ni no Kuni II, building up the kingdom of Evermore into a global superpower was a feeling that no other RPG of late can match. Whether you’re up for a heartwarming story or brutally difficult postgame content, there’s something charming within this other world that you’ll have to check out for yourself.
Ni No Kuni 2 is now available on PC and PlayStation 4 in all regions. Ni No Kuni Remaster is also releasing on Nintendo Switch this September.