Sony and developer Sucker Punch have rolled out a new Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut Update for both PS4 and PS5. Here’s what this new patch does.
The new patch updates the game version to 2.07 (2.007.000 on PS5) and addresses several reported issues, including an issue where replayed missions wouldn’t grant the correct reward until the game was reloaded. In addition, this new update reducing the fast-travel haptic feedback length on PS5, and restores the missing Fundoshi for some New Game+ players. Also new in this update are various improvements to the game’s User Interface alongside various bug- and crash fixes.
Previous post-launch patches for this month's Director's Cut already addressed a crash some players were experiencing and resolved an issue for some players who were unable to make progress on Iki Island if they arrived wearing the Sakai Armor.
“We are continuing to investigate issues and will release additional patches in the weeks to come, including fixes for Ghost of Tsushima: Legends ahead of next week’s launch of Rivals mode”, Sucker Punch writes.
You’ll find the official release notes for this new update, as supplied by the developer, down below: