Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge is the latest animated feature under production from Warner Bros. Animation. Set to come out in the first half of 2020, the movie has cast two major characters.
Joel McHale (Community) and Jennifer Carpenter (Dexter) have joined the project to voice Johnny Cage and Sonya Blade respectively, according to The Hollywood Reporter. While we won't see McHale on the big screen as Cage--as it's an animated movie--his voice should do the Hollywood superstar/Earth-realm savior justice. Also, McHale totally looks a bit like Cage, so that's a nice bonus. They're joining a long list of familiar faces from the video game series--which you can see below.
At this time, there are no story details for the animated feature, but it's a safe bet to say the film will revolve around the murder of Hanzo Hasashi, how he becomes Scorpion, and his return...for revenge.
Scorpion's Revenge isn't the only Mortal Kombat movie in the works. Warner Bros. has a live-action film underway, which is shooting in southern Australia. Most of the casting has been revealed, including Kano, Sonya, Sub-Zero, Lui Kang, and Jax. The live-action Mortal Kombat movie will arrive in March 2021, about a year after Scorpion's Revenge.
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