Following the Classic NES series, Nintendo has announced it is bringing four more ports of NES games to the American market. Zelda II: The Adventure of Link and Dr. Mario will join the original Metroid and Castlevania on US Game Boy Advances on October 25. All four are already available in Japan as part of the Famicom Mini series.
For those who grew up in the post-NES era, a breakdown of the games is as follows:
Castlevania: The original Konami horror action game sees players fighting their way through a haunted keep to topple an evil count. Luckily, theyll have an arsenal of weapons to clobber his army of ghosts, mummies, and zombies.
Dr. Mario: Players help the titular physician stop a virus outbreak by solving puzzles. The game will allow head-to-head multiplayer play via a GBA wireless adapter or game link.
Metroid: The side-scroller that made Samus a household name lets players control the heroine on a mission to rid the quadrant of the deadly alien Metroids.
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link: The sequel to the original Zelda offers more RPG action, sending Link on a quest to recover a magic artifact and free the titular princess from an evil wizards spell, saving the kingdom of Hyrule.
All four games are rated E for Everyone and will retail for $19.99 each. They follow Junes release of GBA NES Classics, which is composed of Donkey Kong, Pac-Man, The Legend of Zelda, Super Mario Bros, Excitebike, Ice Climber, Xevious, and Bomberman.