Espinas made its debut in Monster Hunter Frontier. However, the game has never been officially available to players living in the West, so many Monster Hunter enthusiasts haven’t had a chance to meet it before. Sunbreak finally introduces this beast in the saga, much to the delight of many gamers.
This beast is easily recognizable for the red spikes that stand out on its green body, used both to attack and defend itself from hunters and other monsters. It deals significant damage with its offensives but, once beaten, drops exciting rewards to craft new equipment. Let’s see how to defeat Espinas in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, its unique characteristics, weaknesses, and tips for winning the battle.
Its offensives are pretty dangerous because they can inflict Poison, Paralysis, and even Fireblight, all at once. The monster throws giant fireballs at you, but they can easily be dodged by rolling sideways, as the opening animation lasts quite enough. But that’s not the only attack involving one or more fireballs. Other offensives feature a combination of three fast and powerful balls of fire, with the last one being bigger than the others; alternatively, Espinas can target you with a giant breath of fire with a vast range. The beast also relies on its horn and tail to deal damage.
As it inflicts Poison, Paralysis, and Fireblight, you should choose an appropriate armor and use decorations that increase your resistance to Paralysis. Otherwise, you would be left at the mercy of the beast’s attacks. It is immune to Fire attacks and resistant to Thunder.
You can try to hit Espinas from behind or sideways, as most of its attacks are frontal, and you will have an easier time dodging them. If you see another large monster near your target, don’t hesitate to ride it and use the Mounted Punisher against Espinas, as you will significantly damage this Flying Wyvern. Constantly evade its attacks, aim at its legs and head, and you will slowly but steadily win the fight. You will also get good rewards to craft new equipment after you defeat or capture it.
On Wccftech, you will also find other Sunbreak guides, such as tips for beating Garangolm and Lunagaron.