A new Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Digital Event will be aired next week to provide all the latest information, including the launch date, on the game's fifth free upgrade that will launch at the same time on PC and Nintendo Switch.
The new Digital Event will go live on April 19th at 7 AM PT / 10 AM ET/ 3 PM in the UK / 4 PM in Europe. Among the things that will be shown during the event will be the return of one of the series' powerful Elder Dragons. A teaser was also shared online today, and you can watch it below.
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, the major expansion of the latest entry in the popular series by CAPCOM, is receiving plenty of support after launching on PC and consoles last year. The previous update, Title Update 4, which was released back in February, introduced plenty of new content, such as a new monster for Gathering HUb quests, a raised level cap for Anomaly Investigations, and new weapons and armor sets. On PC, the update also introduced a new 3D Audio option for better immersion.
Even before all the free Title Updates introduced new content to the game, Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak was more than worth the time and money of all those who enjoyed the base game, as the expansion introduces not only plenty of new powerful monsters but also new mechanics, including new Switch Skills for all weapons and the ability to seamlessly change between two different Switch Skills loadouts, increasing the number of combat options and making the game possibly even more fun. You can learn more about the expansion by checking out my review.
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak is now available on PC and Nintendo Switch worldwide. The expansion will launch on PlayStation and Xbox consoles later this month, on April 28th. It will include up to Title Update 3 at launch.