Once-dominant game publisher Midway Games is contining its efforts to staff itself with heavyweight talent. The company made an announcement today that it has added Robert N. Waxman and Jay N. Whipple III to its board of directors. The statement said the appointments bring the total number of directors on the company's board to 11, nine of whom are independent.
Both men have deep backgrounds in finance. Waxman is a principal of Corporate Finance Advisory, "a New York-based consulting firm providing advice on complex accounting matters, auditing, financial disclosure, SEC compliance and corporate finance to investment bankers, lawyers, investors, CPA firms and board members." Whipple has held positions as "partner-in-charge of Financial Services Programs at Deloitte & Touche LLP and partner-in-charge of the Financial Services Group and as a partner in the executive office of Touche Ross & Co.," among others.
Midway recently made waves when it hired Steve Allison, long-time marketer from Atari, and also when it hired Ion Storm founders John Romero and Tom Hall.