Middle-Earth: Shadow of War, the new entry in the series currently in development by Monolith, has been recently delayed, but it seems like publisher Warner Bros has no intention of letting players forget about the game, as a new trailer has been released today.
Middle-Earth: Shadow of War latest trailer is a Story trailer which shows Talion and Celebrimbor use the power of the New Ring to create an army to fight against deadly enemies such as Sauron himself and others.
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment has unveiled a NEW Story Trailer for Middle-earth™: Shadow of War™, showcasing Talion and Celebrimbor as they use the power of the New Ring to forge an army and confront the deadliest of enemies, including Sauron and his Nazgul, in a monumental battle for Middle-earth™. The video features a host of new allies, villains and creatures that The Bright Lord will encounter throughout this completely original narrative, which is brought to life through the expanded Nemesis System.
As already mentioned, Middle-Earth: Shadow of War won't release this August as originally announced, but this October. The team requires additional development time to deliver the highest quality experience.
Middle-earth: Shadow of War expands gameplay in every dimension, including the massive open world, the story, the RPG systems, and personal player stories of the Nemesis System. As with Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor, Monolith is committed to delivering the highest quality experience. In order to do this, we have made the difficult decision to move our launch date to ensure that Middle-earth: Shadow of War will deliver on that promise.
Middle-earth: Shadow of War launches on October 10th on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.