The role of Master Chief in the upcoming Halo TV show now has its actor. As reported by Deadline, it's Pablo Schreiber, the Canadian actor known mostly for his work on Orange Is The New Black (he also got an Emmy Award nomination for that in 2015) and American Gods.
The article also states that Master Chief will meet a brand new character, Quan Ah (who'll be played by Yerin Ha), described as a 'shrewd' sixteen-years-old from the Outer Colonies.
The Halo TV show was finally confirmed, after years of rumors and delays, in late June 2018. It'll air on Showtime with ten episodes in the first season. At that time, Rupert Wyatt had been indicated as the director and executive producer. However, he was ultimately replaced by Otto Bathurst (Black Mirror, Peaky Blinders, Robin Hood, His Dark Materials) a couple of months ago.
We'll soon publish a lengthy interview with 343i's Kiki Wolfkill touching briefly on the Halo TV show and the whole transmedia efforts for the IP. Stay tuned!