Mass Effect 3 recorded first-month US sales of 1.3 million units across the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC versions of the trilogy-capping role-playing game, according to NPD data provided to Joystiq. Commander Shepard's latest journey was a platinum trip.
The figure covers only physical retail copies of the game and does not factor in digitally distributed versions for the PC or PS3. NPD does not break down sales by platform, but Microsoft's Aaron Greenberg said on Twitter that the Xbox 360 version of Mass Effect 3 sold 943,000 units during the month, outperforming the PS3 version by a 4:1 margin.
Other NPD data provided to the site reveals that Nintendo 3DS games Kid Icarus: Uprising and Resident Evil: Revelations sold 140,000 and 122,000 copies during March, respectively. Additionally, the site sources NPD data claiming Binary Domain--which went on sale on February 28--sold just 20,000 units during March.
As reported by NPD yesterday, March was a tough month for the industry. Software tanked 26 percent year-over-year, with hardware dipping even more drastically, down 35 percent compared to last year's tally.