A new gameplay video for Nintendo's Mario Strikers Battle League recently went live, providing a good look at the type of soccer action that you can try out next month. While the video is in Japanese, the visual language of this soccer game still says a lot as it showcases fast-paced sporting action.
Compared to regular soccer though, the Mario Strikers version of the global sports features a more energetic mix of special moves, obstacles, and teamplay that'll help you score a goal.
For example, the field has an electrified perimeter, that you can tackle opponents into for a quick shock attack that'll leave them stunned, a special shot dubbed Hyper Strike counts for two goals if you manage to hit the back of the net with it.
Even your gear matters, as player stats can change depending on the kit that you have equipped. Mario Strikers: Battle League is available to preorder on the Nintendo Switch eShop for $60, and will be out on June 10.
In other Nintendo news, the recent release of Nintendo Switch Sports has (predictably) led to a few TVs being smashed, despite the company warning people to be more aware of their surroundings when playing.
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