For the first hour or two you spend in a new world in Lego Fortnite, resources are plentiful and generally lying all over the place near wherever you happen to set up your village. But when it comes time to upgrade to level 4, you'll need something new: knotroot. You won't find this stuff just anywhere, and when you do find it your basic forest axe just ain't gonna cut it, either figuratively or literally. But don't worry, we'll walk you through all the steps you'll need to take to get started harvesting knotroot.
Once you've upgraded the bench, you can make an uncommon-quality forest axe with three wooden rods and three skeleton bones, which are plentiful at night. Once you've done that, it's time to go spelunking.
Once you go inside your cave in the temperate zone, the knotroot will catch your eye pretty quickly, because it's just twisty, curly tree roots sticking out of the cave walls and ceilings all over the place. There will be plenty around, but the cave will also likely be filled with creatures that will try to kill you, so you'll have to fight as you go.
From there, you can use the knotroot itself as a crafting ingredient to upgrade your village to level 4 and do various other things, and you can also turn it into Knotroot rods to make better equipment.
Phil Owen on Google+