The Electronic Entertainment Expo isn't slated to begin until next week, but Konami isn't waiting to secure its slice of the attention. As part of the publisher's pre-Electronic Entertainment Expo press conference today, the publisher took the wraps off of the Metal Gear Solid, Zone of the Enders, and Silent Hill HD Collections; teased Kojima's new game engine; and provided a release date update on NeverDead.
Contra? Seems likely. Closing out its press conference, Konami also offered the briefest of teasers for what appears to be a new installment in its long-standing side-scrolling shooter franchise, Contra. The teaser begins with a loading screen that harks back to the pixelated graphic days of the '80s. An orange-red fireball then flies across the screen, speeding into black ether. After a few on-a-dime turns, the fireball blazes into Contra's iconic "C" shape, with text below it reading: "They're coming."
The Contra franchise has been anything but dormant. Earlier this year, Konami released Hard Corps: Uprising, which served as a prequel to 1994's Contra: Hard Corps. Also, at last year's E3, Konami indicated that it would be supporting Nintendo's 3DS with a new Contra title.
Contra isn't the only classic Konami franchise that received attention during the publisher's pre-E3 event. Konami also confirmed that it would be commemorating the Frogger franchise's 30th anniversary this year with a new installment for the 3DS. Additional details on that title were not provided.
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