TOKYO--Just as Metal Gear Solid 3 is prepped for retail shelves here in the states, with its release due this week, Konami shareholders were updated on what the future holds for the espionage action least in Japan.
During the Q&A session at Konami's recent midterm earnings press conference, one investor asked whether there are plans for the company to update its Metal Gear Solid series with yet another game.
The question was answered by Konami Computer Entertainment Japan president Motoyuki Yoshioka. Yoshioka-san confirmed that there are already plans for a fourth game in the Metal Gear Solid franchise, and he hinted that the series could enjoy life even beyond that product.
"We already have ideas in our mind on what the fourth release [of Metal Gear Solid] will be like," Yoshioka said. "We believe that we can continue to develop [more] titles in the series. We hope that you will support us [in this decision]."