Just Cause 3 New TGS Trailer Showcases “Beautiful Destruction” in the Island of Medici-January 2024
Square Enix and Avalanche Games, released a new trailer for Just Cause 3 in time for the Tokyo Game Show, which showcased the island of Medici, being "beautified" through the impressive destruction mechanics that the game brings.
The power of current-gen has given Avalanche the tools to creat a true playground of destruction for Just Cause 3
In an interview with the Official Xbox Magazine, Avalanche Studios' senior technical designer Anders Bodbacka explains how current-gen has given the studio the tools to create a new playground of destruction.
Anders explains the studios' goals:
We wanted destruction to be more physics-driven and more like a fun toybox that can be used as part of the gameplay. More than looking pretty and going boom, if you tether things correctly you can use them defensively or create cascading destruction – destroying an entire base just by pulling one tether. That wasn’t possible before, but improvements in technology let you do this stuff.
Pre-ordering Just Cause 3 will grant you exclusive bonus content and a 10% price reduction
Just Cause 3 releases on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC on December 1, 2015. We will bring you any new information on the title as soon as it becomes available.