TBS is reviving the 2008 game show Wipeout with hosts John Cena and Nicole Byer, and revamping a lot of the classic and chaotic courses. Each game is three rounds with each round featuring a multi-stage obstacle course that will give the contestants options on how to face each course--and of course, it always ends with the contestants falling into a giant pool of water, numerous times.
While there is no official premiere date announced, Cena revealed his involvement with the show via this Twitter account Thursday afternoon.
This is going to be wild! The new host of @Wipeout on @tbsnetwork is... pic.twitter.com/4U8BDkXU5F
— John Cena (@JohnCena) September 10, 2020
"I couldn't be more excited for what's in store for this radically absurd show that has its own fair share of legendary faceplants," said John Cena. "The power of Wipeout is its ability to gather people of all backgrounds for fast paced, physical fun! I look forward to seeing fan responses both new and existing. This'll be a hosting experience unlike anything I've ever done! I can't wait to get started in rooting for our contestants!"
Comedian and host of Netflix's Nailed It! also commented on the show's revival saying that we need laughs and fun these days. "There's nothing funnier than people falling over giant red balls. Wipeout is truly insane, and I'm tickled to be a part of this beloved show's comeback."
Wipeout originally aired on ABC back in 2008-2014 and was hosted by John Henson and John Anderson. The first season's success spawned a series of international versions of Wipeout, debuting in countries including Great Britain and Argentina in January 2009.