As promised, Jimmy Kimmel has sat down with some popular YouTube streamers in an attempt to educate himself about why people might want to watch other people play video games. Just catching up? Kimmel received a "hellstorm of anger" after he joked that watching people playing video games is a silly idea.
The late night TV host/comedian--wearing a Powerglove for some reason--met with Markiplier and MissesMae recently. MissesMae says she was "insulted" by Kimmel's comments in part because, "I do understand the work and the effort that people put into doing something like this." For his part, Markiplier said, "I love watching other people have fun, and I think that's what a lot of people get out of these videos."
They then watch a funny video of MissesMae's parents trying a Minecraft virtual reality demo and later, Kimmel tries his hand at this summer's hot game, Rocket League. Throughout the entire video, however, Kimmel never seems very enthusiastic or eager to change his mind. He's more interested in cracking jokes, which is to be expected, given that it's his job.
The three "hug it out" to end the segment. The hug is pretty awkward, and Kimmel seizes the moment to make another lighthearted jab. "You know what you guys should do? Try being around other humans--because humans don't hug like this," he said.
What do you make of this latest video game segment from Kimmel? Share your thoughts in the comments below.