Jet Set Radio's teased comeback has been confirmed. Sega today formally announced that a port of Jet Set Radio is due digitally this summer on Xbox Live, the PlayStation Network, and for Windows PCs. Jet Set Radio tags XBL, PSN, and PC this summer.
Jet Set Radio--known as Jet Grind Radio in North America--shipped in 2000 for the Sega Dreamcast. The port will be an "upgraded HD version," according to Sega.
No price was mentioned for Jet Set Radio.
Jet Set Radio casts players as Beat, the leader of a graffiti gang, who zips around the futuristic city of Tokyo on inline skates. Players steal turf from opposing gangs by tagging the city with graffiti art.
The arrival of Jet Set Radio on Xbox Live, the PSN, and PC is part of Sega's effort to release Dreamcast titles on contemporary platforms, as was announced in 2010. Sonic Adventure and Crazy Taxi were the first titles to be released as part of the program.
For more on Jet Set Radio, check out GameSpot's review.