A very intriguing and unique game is making its way to Kickstarter. A Credible Tale, its short name, is an RPG with influences from real Japanese folklore and it happens to be inspired by some of Square Enix's finest RPG's
The combat in A Credible Tale takes some great inspiration from popular action RPGs but it seems it has a distinct Eastern twist to it that should also be familiar. Every battle is fought in in real time using a combination of the team’s abilities and your town’s defenses.
You'll also get to enjoy base-building in a a hand drawn environment, with incredibly customizable skills and weapons. It looks like they're aiming for a PC, Mac, Linux and Xbox One release with a tentative release window of Q4 2016.
What's most interesting is how a real and tangible mythos is used as the basis for the story, that and the video does appear to show a very mature art style that seems to be a representation of traditional Japanese art. Also taking some creative license from successful past RPG's like The Secret of Mana and Chrono Trigger might make for a great riveting adventure. Does it seem like something you'd play in a somewhat large market of good RPG's?
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