IMPORTANT MESSAGE To All Snake Wars Participants
Hey all, and thanks for participating in GameSpot's Snake Wars tournament! I wanted to send out some information to make scoring easier for us, however.
Once I start the game and two players have joined, the game will start a match. Please do not actually play (i.e., shoot people) at this point, because the game will keep track of your round scores even if I reset the game. To keep it easier to score, simply hold tight. You will know tha match goes live because the server will reset with an announcement that the host has restarted the server, and because I will announce it in the tournament chat room.
Also, bear in mind that while all 4 maps will be played, they could potentially be in a different order than how they are listed in the FAQ and rules.
If you have any questions, send me an email to [email protected] and I will be happy to answer any further questions. Have fun!