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Summer Games Done Quick 2014 Trailer
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Update: Humble Bundle has released a collection of games to help raise money for the speedrunning charity event, Summer Games Done Quick, that is going on right now.
From now until tomorrow at 4 p.m. PST, you can buy the bundle for $25, and 100 percent of the proceeds go to Doctors Without Borders. The bundle contains a lot of great games, too, and they all come with Steam keys. My personal highlights are Gunpoint and Guacamelee!
$25 will get you Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs, Gunpoint, Noitu Love 2 Devolution, Bleed, Electronic Super Joy, Guacamelee! Gold Edition, Psychonauts, Dustforce, The Basement Collection, and Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams.
Original Story:
Speed Demos Archive and SpeedRunsLive have announced the dates for their next Twitch-based charity event, Summer Games Done Quick. From June 22-June 29, People will gather and try to play and finish classic and modern games as quickly as possible, in order to raise awareness and money for Doctors Without Borders. Twitch will stream marathons of the playthroughs throughout the week.
More than 150 games will be streamed, including The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Final Fantasy VI, and Halo: Combat Evolved. Oh, and there are people who can control an octopus well enough to speedrun Octodad: Dadliest Catch. Their playthroughs will be featured, too.
The speedrunning groups have arranged for famous and brand-new players alike to participate. Well-known speedrunners include Cosmowright and Sinister1.
Viewers can donate and be entered into raffles for community prizes, as well. Donations and streams will be hosted on the event's website,
In January, the group's winter charity stream, Awesome Games Done Quick, raised over $1 million for the Prevent Cancer Foundation. It's always fun to watch speedruns, and there were some seriously amazing moments at AGDQ. If that event is anything to judge by, Summer Games Done Quick shouldn't be missed.