A Horizon Zero Dawn art render has emerged from a GDC presentation organized by Guerrilla Games' junior art director, and the render shows an amazing amount of structural detail.
The Game Developers Conference (GDC) 2016 was held last month, but little by little, more presentations from the gaming event surface. During the event, Horizon Zero Dawn developer Guerrilla Games, organized an art direction bootcamp presented by the studio's junior art director, Maarten van der Gaag.
Guerrilla outsources assets on a very large scale and as a result has a very small internal asset art team, but a relatively large concept art team. This scope of outsourcing requires a very mature outsourcing pipeline and comes with its unique advantages and problems.
This talk will give a detailed insight into the asset art pipeline at Guerrilla Games, why Guerrilla Games chooses to take this approach and discusses its advantages and disadvantages. Furthermore it offers insights in the process of creating the highly detailed briefs that are required for Guerrilla's approach. And explains how Guerrilla guards the quality in the creation of nearly all of its game-assets using outsourcing vendors.
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As can be seen, the render showcases one of the roof models within the game. Judging from the basefile name, this particular model is used by Aloy's clan - the Nora clan. A healthy amount of components is being used to render the model, and Guerrilla seems to have used various reference models for their in-game render. Especially the 'edges' and 'rope texture' references are quite amazing. The bottom view of the roof render shows that the wood has been 'cut out' in the top beam, and adds to the detail of this particular art-asset.
Horizon Zero Dawn is scheduled for a release exclusively for the Playstation 4 somewhere this year.