Avada Kedavra is the third Unforgivable Curse you can learn in Hogwarts Legacy. If you’re familiar with the Wizarding World universe, you already know this dark magic spell is extremely powerful, as it instantly kills any target you hit. Therefore, you won’t learn it from your professors in the game. Instead, your friend Sebastian Sallow will offer to teach you the infamous Killing Curse at the end of the “In the Shadow of the Relic” side quest.
You’ll have the chance to accept or decline his proposal if you feel it’s not the right time to learn this spell. The game, however, doesn’t punish you for casting Avada Kedavra or any other Unforgivable Curse. Instead, you can use them to defeat enemies faster, and if you spend enough Talent Points on the Dark Arts abilities, you can combine the three spells and become almost invincible. So, let’s see how to learn Avada Kedavra in Hogwarts Legacy.
WARNING: this guide contains significant spoilers for the “In the Shadow of the Relic” side quest, including a complete mission walkthrough.
Once these prerequisites are met, you will receive an owl from Ominis Gaunt and unlock the “In the Shadow of the Relic” quest. This mission features a suggested level of 28, so ensure you are adequately leveled up before starting it. If not, the enemies you will face during this quest might be too powerful for you. However, this is not a mandatory requirement, so feel free to tackle it whenever you feel ready. As a reward for completing it, you will be able to learn Avada Kedavra.
Reach Ominis and Anne outside the catacomb, the same one you visited with Sebastian during the “In the Shadow of Time” quest, and talk to the boy to start the mission. He will express all his concern for his friend Sebastian, who is inside the Feldcroft catacomb and in much trouble.
After you’re done talking, enter the catacomb. Follow the main path, and you will soon find various Inferi that you must defeat before proceeding. Use your fire spells, Confringo and Incendio, to damage them for the first time. Then, they will become vulnerable to any other attack, so cast whatever enchantment you prefer. After this first battle, Ominis will return to Hogwarts to talk to Professor Black. So, you will continue looking for Sebastian on your own.
Keep following the main path, and you will soon be dealing with another group of Inferi. After defeating them, follow the tunnel straight ahead until you reach the trail’s end. Here, you need to find a way up the ledge you see in front of you. Open the graves on the walls with Accio; you will find two skeletons you can use to make a bridge.
In the next room, you will finally find Sebastian. However, Solomon Sallow will join you soon after you start talking to your friend and try to stop his nephew by destroying the Relic. You’ll then start a fight against Solomon. Moreover, Inferi will keep appearing, so you’ll need to deal with both the boss of this quest and these other annoying enemies. Focus on Solomon, and as soon as you defeat him, a new cutscene will start.
Sebastian will cast Avada Kedavra on his uncle, killing him. Her sister Anne will then appear, destroying the journal and taking her dead uncle with her. After this, you’ll need to follow Sebastian until you exit the catacomb, and then you can talk to him.
Everyone should know that curse.Yes, please.Sebastian will share additional details regarding the Killing Curse, and then the usual minigame for learning new spells will start. After this, the quest will end, and Avada Kedavra will be permanently added to your spells list. You can use it against enemies from now on, instantly killing them.
After completing all the remaining Relationship quests tied to Sebastian, you can meet your friend at the Undercroft. He will teach you any Unforgivable Curse you might have missed during the game, including Avada Kedavra.
If you are looking for other Hogwarts Legacy guides, you can check how to open Eye Chests, all Gobstone locations, and how to open locks.