Ratchet and Clank may have starred in their best game yet last October in Crank in Time, but the upcoming Heroes on the Move could be their most unique. This cavalcade of mascot stars made its debut at Sony's press conference this year, and even though only a short gameplay clip was shown, this could be game to look out for, thanks to the combination of many of Sony's biggest stars with Move support.
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Heroes on the Move (working title) - Heroes Assemble Trailer
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The real headliner of this game is the characters who star in it. Dynamic duos from three popular franchises team up, with Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, and Sly Cooper and Bentley coming together to stop some sort of evil threat. Not much is known as to why these characters have been thrust together, but the cartoony aesthetics fit in well with their solo efforts from previous games. The Move support should also be interesting. The focus in the trailer was on combat, so it makes sense that Ratchet's wrench can be swung with Sony's new motion controller.
Stay tuned to GameSpot for more information on this upcoming release. We'll post our hands-on impressions when we get a chance to put these gaming stars through the test.