Starting today, players can tour the disease-ridden world of The Division for the last time before the game goes gold and hit the shelves for current-gen consoles. The final beta testing phase for Ubisoft’s upcoming highly anticipated open world role-playing shooter commenced yesterday on Xbox One console and will soon be open to PC and PlayStation 4 players, the latter of which, as it has now been discovered, can gain access to it without spending any money at all.
The method was devised by some PlayStation 4 owners, and tested by Eurogamer. Players will need a card or funds to make the pre-order, however no amount of money will be deducted. The method was tested with PlayStation store in the UK region, but there’s no harm in trying even if you are living outside the UK. The step by step process to download and play The Division’s beta has been shared below.
Load up the PlayStation Store on your PS4, search for The DivisionSelect "Pay Now" (reminder: no money will be taken)Search again for The Division and you'll now see the game's betaDownload the game's beta client.Now cancel your The Division pre-order - head to Settings > Account Information > Wallet >Transaction HistoryFind your pre-order transaction, select CancelOnce done with the process, you will be able to load up The Division beta. Ubisoft commenced the beta testing of The Division first on Xbox One on January 28. PC and PlayStation 4 players will be able to jump into the game today. The full, retail version of the game scheduled to release on March 8 across PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The developer/publisher recently released a live-action series based on the backstories of The Division's agents. You can watch all four episodes of the series here.