Ninja Theory has released a new trailer for Hellblade showcasing the game's environments, taken from the pre-production phase of development. You can view the new trailer below and read more on the unique and impressive title further down.
Ninja Theory has been working closely with Psychiatrist and Professor of Health and Neuroscience from the University of Cambridge, Paul Fletcher, in order to ensure an accurate portrayal of the subject.
Professor Paul Fletcher explains:
“True understanding of mental health is not simply about books, lectures or verbal descriptions but from deeper engagement on all levels. Working with Ninja Theory has shown me the potential that gaming has for sharing in a character's experiences and engendering empathy in ways that go well beyond those offered by simple academic descriptions. Maybe this approach will contribute powerful new ways of challenging stigma.”
Hellblade is currently under development for the PlayStation 4 and PC with a planned release for 2016. We will bring you any new information on Hellblade as soon as it becomes available.