The upcoming GC - Game Convention 2003, which will be held in Germany, will host a concert by the Czech National Symphony Orchestra that will feature music from the original Headhunter and its upcoming sequel, Headhunter: Redemption. Both scores were composed by Richard Jacques, whose previous work includes Jet Set Radio Future, Sonic R, Metropolis Street Racer, and a number of other games. The concert will also feature music from Japanese games.
"It was an easy pick for the concert," said event producer Thomas Boecker. "Richard's work on Headhunter is powerful, melodic, dynamic, and superbly orchestrated. Combining a top-notch orchestral sound and programmed rhythm loops with other percussive elements, it perfectly reflects the vitality of today's contemporary orchestral music in games. It is also a great example of how to reach a younger audience with classical music."