Half-Life: Alyx nails so much of what makes the series great, and VR elevates some of its best qualities. But if you're not familiar with the ins-and-outs of VR or the way Half-Life typically does things, we have you covered. Even veterans such as myself wish I knew a few of these tips before playing, such as what weapon upgrades to spend your valuable Resin on, among other things.
One aspect you may not be familiar with is how Half-Life tends to do puzzles; there are no waypoints or objective markers, so you need to pay attention to what the environment is telling you. This extends to multitool puzzles and knowing what objects to interact with. If you're concerned about motion sickness or if you have physical limitations, we also have some pointers about your options.
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Now Playing: Half-Life: Alyx Review
We go into more detail about Half-Life: Alyx's accessibility options, and have a deeper dive into solving the different types of puzzles you'll encounter. We also have a comprehensive guide on Half-Life: Alyx's weapons and upgrades, and long-time fans won't want to miss all the Easter eggs we've found so far. Be sure to read our full Half-Life: Alyx review for our thoughts on the series' first game in 13 years.
Half-Life: Alyx Review And Guides
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Well then, here are some of our basic tips and tricks to get you on the right path before you start playing Half-Life Alyx.
Now, you'll also want to be on the lookout for more than just any old door handle. If something you can grip has red paint on it, it's important. This is particularly relevant to garage doors that require you to get down near the floor to open and some cabinets that contain critical items. In later sections of the game, it's very important to keep this in mind.
Similarly, you want to keep an eye on where cables lead and come from within the environment. A few puzzles may have you scratching your head, but if you keep an eye on clues like cables and wiring, these will guide you to locations of critical points and what you need to interact with next.
Aiming in VR can be difficult, but the laser sight shows you exactly where your shots will land for the Pistol and SMG (when you eventually get it). As for the Shotgun, the laser sight is also very helpful because it paints a circle of how your shot will spread. And since shotgun shells are quite rare, you'll want to make sure each shot hits. Most other upgrades will come down to preference, but the Shotgun's grenade launcher and SMG's multi-clip upgrade are easy to recommend.
Some instances have red barrels or gas canisters in the environment, and if you get a Barnacle to eat one, it'll explode. It's pretty satisfying to see them blow to pieces, but take a step back first so you don't get hurt. Don't forget to check the aftermath for any ammo they might have dropped!
Teleportation can get you out of a bind fast and covers more ground. However, analog movement can be more precise when trying to get in specific positions, especially in combat scenarios or getting close to objects if you're not using a room-scale setup. Test if any of this makes you motion sick and tweak your options accordingly. If you are playing through a seated experience, you have options that let you crouch and stand a bit taller with the click of the analog sticks to help you grab things that are out of reach.