Prototype was released to critical acclaim in 2009 but arrived very close to Sony's Infamous, where the two games were instantly compared. Thankfully, history hasn't repeated itself, with Infamous 2 already out and Prototype 2 due out in April of next year. While the game's release is still a fair way off, Aussie retailer GAME is offering customers the opportunity to get their likeness ported into the Prototype universe.
If the thought of stumbling across yourself in Prototype 2 sounds appealing, then all you need to do is preorder it at GAME between now and the 14th of September and fill out a form online. One successful entrant will then be selected to win a trip for two to fly to Vancouver and have their likeness put into the game.
Prototype 2 is set about a year after the first game and sees a new protagonist--Sergeant James Heller--introduced into the fray. Radical Entertainment has described the game as a story of revenge as Heller goes after Alex Mercer from the first game, who he believes is responsible for his family's death.
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