Following a successful debut at the MCM Expo in May, GameSpot UK will be returning as the official gaming partner for the event's next show in October. The MCM Expo London Comic-Con will take place at the ExCEL exhibition centre from Friday 28 October to Sunday 30 October, and GameSpot UK is excited to announce some of the games that we'll be showcasing at the event.
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Batman: Arkham City Developer Walkthrough
Tears Of The Kingdom Is A Technological Marvel
Resident Evil 4 Is A Perfect RemakeHow Alan Wake II Made Me Face My Fear of Horror GamesGameSpot's Top 10 Games of 2023Thompson: The Pop Culture Icon’s Strange Legacy - LoadoutFirearms Expert’s FAVORITE Weapons Of 2023State Of Gaming Handhelds In 2023Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth - Official Ichiban Kasuga Character Spotlight TrailerHow Lies of P Cracked the Souls GenreLike a Dragon: Infinite Wealth - Official Chitose Fujinomiya Character Spotlight TrailerLike a Dragon: Infinite Wealth - Official Eric Tomizawa Character Spotlight TrailerLike a Dragon: Infinite Wealth - Official Kazuma Kiryu Character Spotlight Trailer
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Batman: Arkham City is one of the biggest games of the year, and as such, it will have a huge presence at the GameSpot UK booth. Come along to our stand and you'll be able to play the new game on one of the three consoles we'll have set up, as well as have a chance to win some exclusive Arkham City merchandise.
GameSpot UK will also be hosting MCM's only live gaming stage show all weekend, and Capcom has announced it will be appearing with its upcoming fighting game Street Fighter X Tekken. We'll be picking out the best-dressed Street Fighter and Tekken characters from the audience and inviting them to take part in a live fighting tournament, with awesome Capcom prizes available to competitors.
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TGS 2011: Street Fighter X Tekken Zangief & Rolento Character Moves
Tears Of The Kingdom Is A Technological Marvel
Resident Evil 4 Is A Perfect RemakeHow Alan Wake II Made Me Face My Fear of Horror GamesGameSpot's Top 10 Games of 2023Thompson: The Pop Culture Icon’s Strange Legacy - LoadoutFirearms Expert’s FAVORITE Weapons Of 2023State Of Gaming Handhelds In 2023Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth - Official Ichiban Kasuga Character Spotlight TrailerHow Lies of P Cracked the Souls GenreLike a Dragon: Infinite Wealth - Official Chitose Fujinomiya Character Spotlight TrailerLike a Dragon: Infinite Wealth - Official Eric Tomizawa Character Spotlight TrailerLike a Dragon: Infinite Wealth - Official Kazuma Kiryu Character Spotlight Trailer
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We'll have more partners to announce in the run up to the show, so let us know which games you'd like to see in the comments below. You can also find out more by visiting our MCM hub, where you can see all the cool stuff from the May show, including our extremely popular photo gallery.