We've just added a new feature to GameSpot that allows tagging. Tags are words or phrases you associate with information on the site. As more people use the same tags, those tags become more relevant, making the content easier for everyone to find. Tagging is currently enabled for both news and previews stories on GameSpot; to tag a story, just click the new "Tag" link at the bottom or top of a given article, enter your tag(s) in the space provided, click save, and poof! All the tags you've created will show up on your personal profile under the new "Tag" tab, so you and others can easily browse your various tags and categories. Check out Jody's Quakecon tags for an example. [Discuss]
Tags will only get better as more people use them, and we've got some emblems in store for our best taggers, so feel free to play around with the feature and get to taggin'! If you experience any problems, issues, or rabid bunnyrabbits, just report those to the Tech Support forum.
EDIT: Latest Enhancements and fixes thread is up! If you're interested in seeing what else has been added or fixed, stop by this thread. (-JodyR)