Gaming News
GameSpot Players Network Winter Roster
GameSpot Players Network Winter Roster-September 2024
Sep 22, 2024 7:31 AM

  Welcome to the GameSpot Players Network Roster, an extension of the official GameSpot Players Network. Each week GameSpot features players that will be placed on this roster. To visit player profiles, click on their usernames in the navigation menu on the right side or click the NEXT link below. If you'd like to be included in our roster, visit the GSPN FAQ to find out more!




  Gamer ID(s): XBL: Souls of Misery, Ps3: GhostKila (lowercased L) Steam: AzusaNakano

  Timezone: UTC-05:00/Eastern Time

  Now Playing: Borderlands 2, Mugen Souls,, Pokemon White 2 (

  Platforms of choice: X360, PS3, PC

  Attributes: RPGr, Shooter,

  Seeking: Co-op gamers

  About me

  I've been a gamer for over 20 years. My first console was a genesis, first game was sonic the hedgehog.I've always been the type to get my hands on all of the consoles and handhelds. Not bias to one console, or at least I try not to be. I've recently got into pc gaming and interested in pc's in general. I've been a sucker for rpg's since pokemon.


  What kind of gamer do you want to play?

  I like playing co-op. co-op makes the game/s more fun to play. Although sometimes it can make them

  harder in some games, ex. borderlands 2. Having a player that likes to voice chat is always good. I have a lot of fun playing co-op games and voice chating.

  If you said yes to the last question, is there a particular achievement or trophy you're trying to unlock?

  Well there's more than one, but I'm looking for help with achievements on borderlands 2.

  How long have you been gaming?

  I've been gaming since 1992. So that makes 20 years now. Can't believe I've been gaming for that long.It has been a enjoyable 20 years though.

  How current do you keep with the games?

  I try to be current with the games that interest me. If there's a new shooter that I like, ex "Borderlands 2" I'll buy it asap, quick as I can

  Do you play to win or play for fun?

  I play for fun, if I win that's great, but I mostly play to have fun.

  Do you have a platform you mostly plan on, or do you target one?

  PS3 (mostly JRPG's), Xbox 360 (mostly shooters), just got a pc and just getting into pc gaming.

  Are you a game collector ?

  I am indeed a collector. I've been collecting games since I first started playing them 1992.

  Are you an achievement or trophy hunter?

  Depends on the game actually. If a game is very interesting to me, I'll try to get all of the achievements/trophies that I'm able to get. If I find that some are too hard, I don't try to get them. Or I attempt to get help with them.

  Are you a completionist?

  With how many games are registered on my xbox and ps3, I'd have to say no. Although, I'm trying to change that and complete more games.





  - Gamer ID(s): Steam: SuperMassive20

  - Timezone GMT

  - Platform of choice: PC

  - Now Playing: Borderlands 2, Black Ops 2, Dark Souls

  - Attribute: Veteran, Completionist Competitive

  - Seeking: All types of gamers!

  About me

  Newbie games journalist, I like to talk games and generally keep myself in the loop. I've been a long term PC gamer and have a soft spot for 1998-2001 games (see Half-Life, CS 1.6, UT99, etc.) Bit of a tech head when it comes to PC's too. I am a bit of a jack of all trades gamer though with no one truly mad gaming skill. Rather an all round set that keeps me playing just about anything.


  What kind of gamer do you want to play?

  I like to play all kinds of gamers, anyone with a sense of humour and doesn't rage quit. That's my only no no.

  How long have you been gaming?

  16 years (I feel old now, thanks!)

  Do you play to win or play for fun?

  Depends upon the game, BL2 - for fun, CoD - to win.

  How current do you keep with the games?

  I keep really current with games, play most that release within a week or so.

  Do you play to win or play for fun?

  Depends upon the game, BL2 - for fun, CoD - to win.

  Are you a game collector (retail games)?

  Not really… although I like to buy games

  Are you an achievement or trophy hunter?


  Are you a game completionist?


  Related Links

  - External Blog

  - Twitch

  - Twitter

  - The Gamer Post Steam Community





  - Gamer ID: PM me

  - TimezoneL EST

  - Platform of Choice: PC

  - Now Playing: Borderlands 2, Guild Wars 2

  - Attribute: Collector and Competitive

  - Seeking: Anyone, maturity a bonus

  About me

  I've been gaming since the Atari 2600, but really became a gamer with the NES. I've owned all the major consoles since then, but transitioned to the PC around 8th grade. I've since gone into the computer business running a small shop in rural Canada. Today I play all modern consoles but stay mostly to PC games, and love Steam in particular.


  What kind of gamer do you want to play?

  Depending on the game, just about anyone. Maturity is a plus.

  What is your platform of choice:

  PC (but all consoles owned)

  Do you play to win or play for fun? Both.

  It depends on the game and the mood.

  Are you a game collector (retail games)?

  You could say that, yes.

  Are you an achievement or trophy hunter?

  No, I like achievements but only sometimes go out of my way to get them.

  Are you a completionist?

  I always was, but in recent years not so much, trying to be again.

  How long have you been gaming?

  26+ years.

  Do you have a platform you mostly play on, or do you target one? I

  have all the consoles but I primarily am a PC gamer.

  Do you have some achievements or trophies you're trying to unlock?

  Not in particular, I like when I get achievements, and if one is a modest challenge I will do it, but I usually refuse to spend a hundred hours searching out hidden collectibles.

  How current do you keep with the games?

  It depends on the game, if it's one I'm looking forward to I'm right there if not pre ordering, but I also have a lot of new games still in shrink wrap for more than a year.





  Gamer ID(s): Azghouls on Steam, Raptr, XBL, XFire

  Timezone: UTC +11

  Platform(s) of choice: PC

  Now Playing: Avernum: Escape from the Pit

  Attribute: Collector, Completionist, Hunter, Competitive

  Seeking: Patient and Competitive Gamers

  About me

  - I have too many games (way over 1000).

  * I have a knack of remembering release dates (especially on the PC platform).

  - I have a weakness for collector's editions.

  - My first gaming experience was in 1979 - it was Superman. And got frustrated that I cannot reconstruct the bridge. And because of this, I am mentally scarred since. And no, walkthroughs didnt exist back then.


  What kind of gamer do you want to play?

  I'm an explorer; that is, I have a tendency of getting stuck in the most unusual of places. I don't mind co-op however I won't join a group until I played the entire campaign solo first. Also, I think tactically therefore have a (bad) habit of just sitting there, thinking. However, when it comes to online FPS, I'm aggressive as a bull to a red flag; and will use the biggest mofo weapon out there without shame.

  Do you have any achievement or trophy you're trying to unlock?

  Solo gameplay I'm pretty sweet as (e.g. Mafia 2 / Avernum). Yet I'm looking for co-op partners for Dead Island / Borderlands 1.

  How long have you been gaming?

  Longer than you can ever imagine. I've been playing games since 1979. Superman was my first game and man I couldn't build that bridge. Mentally scarred since. And before you say anything, walkthroughs did not exist back then. But one day, I will youtube my ultimate triumphant; mark my words.

  Do you have a platform you mostly plan on, or do you target one?

  PC is my main platform (90%) / Xbox and DSi equally second.

  Do you play for fun or competitively?

  Both actually - it depends upon whether I need achievements or learning new skills. Games like Saints Row for instance, I tend to be goofy as however games like UT3, I'm serious as (and yes I still play it). I don't like to lose in UT2k4 / UT3, especially in onslaught / warfare.

  What games are you playing at the moment?

  Known to be an 'odd' gamer and it depends upon if I'm aiming for achievements / solo gaming. For solo it's:

  * Avernum: Escape from the Pit

  * Ship Simulator Extremes (being a perfectionist, I want to complete the entire DLCs as well)

  * Tomb Raider 3 (in preparation for the new Tomb Raider game - aiming to finish Tomb Raider 4 as well)

  Are you a game collector?

  Definitely - if I decided to buy a game, I need everything that goes with it; including collector's. That's another reason why I hold off some games (like Borderlands 2 as I expect them to release many DLCs. But damn, I missed out on the ultimate loot chest by 30 mins as it just got sold out when I placed my order in). Also I have way over 1000 games so yeah, I need a second life.

  Are you an achievement or trophy hunter?

  Definitely - when I install any game, I want to complete it as close to 100%, and that's including unlocking as many achievements as possible. The way I look at it is that I want to get my money's worth. For example: In Mafia 2, I'm slowly working my way to drive 1000 miles to get that achievement - yes I'm that serious.

  Are you a completionist?

  Completionist is not really word is is? A perfectionist? Yes. I've made a personal promise to myself that, if I decided to install a game, I will complete it - no matter how painful it becomes.

  How current do you keep with the games?

  I'm pretty much up-to-date with games however I normally don't play them straight away (as I got burnt many times with poorly ported games. My latest example was Dark Souls. Heck my pre-order even gave me a mouse / mouse pad…go figure).

  Related Links

  - My Youtube Channel





  Gamer ID(s): psn: morsy199 / steam:metaldragon199

  Platforms of choice: PlayStation and PC

  Now Playing: Dark Souls, Hitman Absolution, Borderlands2

  Attributes: Mature, Trophy Hunter, Co-Op fan, Completionist, RPGr , Shooters , Quirky, Hardcore, Perfectionist , Explorer, Ghost

  Seeking: co-op fans and team players

  Gameplay frequency: 5-20 hours a week

  About me

  I've been gaming since the age of 5 and with no intention fo stopping any time soon


  What kind of gamer do you want to play?

  co-op fans team players

  Are you a game collector (retail games)?

  nope too broke all the time to do so, i trade in games

  How current do you keep with the games?

  dos age then 2004-now time seems to be my thing its not the graphics but the controls 3d mouse aiming games just control wierd for me 2004 seems the magical year when everything started working out better

  Are you an achievement or trophy hunter?

  Yes i look up game trophies before even getting the game, though I don't hunt games with extremely hard plats like MK9 (100 hour with every fighter)

  Is there a particular achievement or trophy you’re trying to unlock?

  Currently working on dark souls

  Are you a completionist?

  yes i try as hard as i can to finish the single player of any game i start

  Do you jump right into the Multiplayer version of a game?

  no never. Actually once with BF3 but that because it had a horrible single player and I still finished that.

  How long have you been gaming?

  Since dos days in the mid 90s I remember Prince of Persia, Aladdin, Highway Hunter, Rescue Rover, Commander Keen, Doom, and Castle Wolfenstein.





  Gamer ID(s): xHGx DJ SPONGE XBL and PSN

  Platformsof choice: XBOX 360

  Now Playing: Halo 4, Black Ops 2, NFS: Most Wanted

  Attributes: Hypercompetitive, competitive, achievement hunter, socialite, shooter, hardcore, leader, completionist

  Seeking: Any

  Gameplay frequency: Varies

  About me

  Playing video games is my passion. I enjoy every second I spend playing video games. I am currently an undergraduate getting a business degree, with the ambition of starting my own game developing company.


  What kind of gamer do you want to play?

  I love to play any gamer, from the hardcore champion to the cooperative type

  Are you a game collector?

  I can't say I'm a game collector, because most of my games are traded in for a newer game. But if I had the ability to be one I definitely would.

  How current do you keep with the games?

  I'd like to say I'm extremely current with today's games. I usually end up with the latest shooter game and try to expand my game library as much as possible.

  Are you an achievement or trophy hunter?

  Currently, I am an achievement hunter on some games but I don't typically 100% most of them.

  Particular achievement?

  Yes. I am currently working through with my next best gamer to unlock the Dedicated to Crimson achievement on Halo 4. This is a 5 week long wait to unlock the achievement if I am correct.

  How many hours do you play a week?

  I couldn't really tell you how many hours I play in a week. I know it's a good majority of them when I'm not in class

  Are you a completionist?

  I love playing a games single player before I get to the multiplayer usually and will beat an entire campaign. I do not usually 100% a game but I may play the single player a couple times.

  Do you jump right into the multiplayer version of a game?

  I do not usually jump straight into a multiplayer. Each game is different in it's play style (Even each call of duty) and playing the single player is like a quick way to train my feel for a game so I can try to be my best when I reach the multiplayer

  How long have you been gaming?

  Only a few months ago I got my first PS3 but I have been an xbox live member for over 3 years. My first gaming experience was many years ago when I was just a small child playing games like Mike Tyson's punch out on the NES with my dad. So I've been a gamer for about 17 years now.

  Is your team recruiting?

  Message me or xHGx "uh oh oreo" on Xbox for any who want recruitment .


  Related Links:

  GSPN Mission MVP: Beat the Pros: CoD: Black Ops 2 Edition

  Twitter: @HurricaneGamerz, @big_lo77

  Homepage: http://thexperience12.blogspot.com

  Team: Hurricane Gamerz





  Gamer ID(s): Jayfig83 XBL

  Platformsof choice: Primarily Xbox 360

  Now Playing: Black OPs 2, Assassins Creed 3, Hitman Absolution, Halo 4, Dishonered, and a demo of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

  Attributes: Hypercompetitive, Shooter


  Gameplay frequency:

  About me

  My name is Jorge Estolt and I currently reside in North Carolina in a small suburb right outside of Winston Salem. I have a wife and three kids and I work for a major company that makes underwear that starts with an "H" and yes I made your underwear if it starts with an "H" :) Im also a Veteran from the US Army spent 8 years in the reserve been places seen things. I guess that's why Im such a competitive shooter because I shot the real deal biggest being the 50 Cal machine gun my favorite. And shot expert 36/40 on the M16 range. Also I am Currently working on my Associates in Information Technology/networking and enjoy building computers from scratch as a hobby .


  What kind of gamer do you want to play?

  I would have to say same as me Hypercompetitive\Shooter makes it more interesting and fun.

  Are you a game collector (retail games)?

  Yes I probably have over 1,000 games that which include Xbox 360, Wii and PC put together most of them being Xbox 360.

  How current do you keep with the games?

  I play all the latest games before they come out most of the time.

  What kinds of platforms do you play on?

  Primarily Xbox 360 but I do play some wii with my kids and some PC games too

  Are you an achievement or trophy hunter?

  I used to be an achievement hunter but I cant seem to keep up with all the releases; now its mainly beating the game and going to the next one.

  How many hours do you play a week?

  Every night I have off which is about 3-4 nights a week about 8-9 hours each night

  Are you a completionist?

  Yes but only at games that are worth beating in my opinion,some games are so horrible I wouldn't even play them if I was drinking.

  Do you jump right into the Multiplayer version of a game?

  No I like to beat the campaign first then play Multiplayer. Gives me a chance to get used to the weapons for instance in Black ops 2.

  How long have you been gaming?

  Since I had a Sega Master System when I was a kid.

  Related Links:

  GSPN Mission MVP: Beat the Pros: CoD: Black Ops 2 Edition

  Twitter: @jAyFiG





  Gamer ID(s): Curtie Mae

  Platforms of choice: Xbox 360

  Now Playing: Mass Effect 3, Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2, Borderlands 2

  Attributes: Competitive, Mature, Achievement Hunter, Socialite, Co-Op fan, Completionist, RPGr, Storyteller, Traditional, Quirky, Soloist, Simulator, Follower, Leader, Explorer, Survivalists, Team Player, Sage, Wild Card

  Seeking: Anyone with the same attributes

  Gameplay frequency: < 20 hours per week

  About me

  I enjoy playing games and socializing at the same time. Playing a game of Uno and talking about life updates is what I tend to enjoy. I also love playing zombie games. Almost any game that has a zombie in it will get my attention at some point in time. I'm not always available to play during regular hours, but given enough warning, I can typically work something out with my schedule.


  Are you a game collector (retail games)?

  I typically collect games that I think will give me the most bang for my buck. I usually don't buy every hype game that comes out in an effort to follow the collective mind. I've also been burned on games that have been backed by a lot of hype, so when I do start purchasing, I usually wait until the initial craze has died down and all of the criticizm has hit.

  How current do you keep with the games?

  I usually try to stay a step behind the hype just because I hate the feeling of being cheated on a supposed "great game". There are also cases when I know a great game is going to go on sale, so I try to make sure I wait to pick them up for super cheap.

  Are you an achievement or trophy hunter?

  I am not a typical trophy hunter. If they are not something too complicated, I'll typically try for. But if it's something that is crazy (like getting 50,000+ kills on L4D), I'm not going to go out of my way to try and get it.

  Is there a particular achievement or trophy you’re trying to unlock?

  I have some multiplayer achievements from L4D2 that are pretty easy to get if I had the right people to help me. Once I start playing Borderlands 2, I'll most likely need some help with those as well.

  How many hours do you play a week?

  Typically < 20 hours per week. I usually have to fight for the television

  Are you a completionist?

  I enjoy playing through single player campaigns of multiplayer games. So I guess, yes?

  Do you jump right into the Multiplayer version of a game?


  How long have you been gaming?

  I've been gaming for well over 20 years now.





  Gamer ID(s): MrStarduke on Steam

  Platforms of choice: PC

  Now Playing: Left 4 Dead 1, Tribes Ascend, World of Tanks, World of Warplanes and Minecraft, among many others.

  Attributes: Mature, Co-Op fan, Shooter, RPGr, Strategist, Storyteller, Quirky, Hardcore, Soloist, Explorer, Wild Card, Ghost

  Seeking: Above plus Team Player and Sage

  Gameplay frequency: 4-8 hrs a week

  About me

  I come from a galaxy that's no so far away, from a planet that's closer then you'd think. I am on an eternal quest to stave off boredom. Okay, really I'm just a dude who likes doing stuff, and things, sometimes both at the same time, but not necessarily in that order. I'm also MrStarduke on Youtube, and I vlog on there. I enjoy playing games a lot, I play them to relax and have fun.


  Are you a game collector?

  I used to be, but then I found Steam and their sales, as well as GOG.com and their sales.

  How current do you keep with the games?

  I usually end up getting current games awhile after they come out, because I wait until the price drops. I also have been known to play retro games.

  Are you an achievement or trophy hunter?

  Hell no. I only get what achievements I get thru whatever I'm doing in the game, I never hunt for them. I got an achievement when I killed X amount of badguys? Meh, whatever, I woulda done it anyway.

  Are you a completionist?

  It depends on the game. If a game has a really interesting story and world I'll play it to the end. Case in point, I played thru Rage pretty fast, but I've yet to beat Skyrim. Hmm, Rage is also no longer installed on my PC, but I still play Skyrim from time to time.

  Do you jump right into the Multiplayer version of a game?

  Hell no! I only play a multiplayer game when it's multiplayer only (unless it's Minecraft), and I hate it when a single player game has multiplayer (again, unless it's Minecraft.) I think devs should stick with making a pure experience of either multiplayer or single player, and not try to do both (unless it's Minecraft).

  How long have you been gaming?

  For a great many moons. Okay, about a decade.

  Related Links:

  Youtube: MrStarduke

  Twitter: @MrStarduke

  Facebook: MrStarduke




Sundberg_Man 11


Gamer ID(s): PSN:Mcready88 / xbl: Mcready88 / Steam:Mcready

  Platforms of choice: Playstation 3 / Xbox 360 / PC

  Now Playing: Okami HD, Assasins Creed 3, Mark Of The Ninja, Halo 4.

  Gameplay frequency: 20 - 50 hours

  About me

  Swedish guy that's random as a slot machine and who's all about the storyline in games rather than looking at graphics and gameplay.


  Are you a game collector (retail games)?

  Never sold a game in my life and keeps everything nice and tidy, row after row in my living room so yeah i guess i'm sort of a collector.

  How current do you keep with the games?

  I've kept every game i ever bough ever since my first console ( N64 ). I tend to go back and play several of them now and then but i'm also up to date with all the newest game titles.

  Are you an achievement or trophy hunter?

  No I tend to ignore most of the trophies and achievements mostly because the hunt for them ruins the overall game experience imo.

  Are you a completionist?

  (note, Answer honestly, but we ask this question to determine another player attribute, if you finish the single player version of the game, you'd fall under this category.) No.

  Do you jump right into the Multiplayer version of a game?

  (note, Answer honestly, but if you do jump right over to multiplayer, we consider it as a player attribute!) No. I tend to avoid the multiplayer until i finished the single player. Mostly to learn the controls properly.

  How long have you been gaming?

  Started of with the Commondore 64 when i was 6 so i guess that makes it 18 years.





  Gamer ID(s): PM

  Platforms of choice: PC

  Now Playing: Borderlands 2, Torchlight 2, Dungeon Defenders

  Gameplay frequency: 15 Hours

  About me

  I'm going to school for materials engineering and I've been gaming since before I could read


  Are you a game collector (retail games)?

  No, I went digital to save on space and keep from losing my games

  How current do you keep with the games?

  I don't do much research for new games, but I do have titles I look forward to. I do enjoy going back to the classics though

  Are you an achievement or trophy hunter?

  I get what I can while playing, but after the game is over that's pretty much it

  Are you a completionist?

  Yes, I try to finish a game before I move on to the next

  Do you jump right into the Multiplayer version of a game?

  It depends on the game, I've done both

  How long have you been gaming?

  At least 20 years, I started on the Genesis





  Gamer ID(s): PM me

  Platforms of choice: PC

  Now Playing: Planetside 2, Torchlight II, Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers 2013

  Gameplay frequency: 10 - 20 Hours

  About me

  I've been a gamer for as long as I can remember and while I have had many consoles, I've always been PC gamer at heart. I'm a RTS freak and spend a lot of time reminiscing about the good old Westwood days.


  Are you a game collector (retail games)?

  Yes. Some days I like to build a fort with all my games and hide away from the world in it.

  How current do you keep with the games?

  I play a mixture of new and old games.

  Are you a completionist?

  I like to finish a game before I rate it, but I rarely try to 100% a game.

  Are you an achievement or trophy hunter?

  Not really.

  Do you jump right into the Multiplayer version of a game?

  Sometimes, depends on the game.

  How long have you been gaming?

  20+ years

  Related Links:

  Twitch: neojetangel

  Youtube: neojetangel

  Homepage: Zanelli Designs

  Twitter: neojetangel

  Steam Group: GameSpot Players Network





  Gamer ID(s): Steam ID: zyxe / Xbox Live: psycho_blondi

  Platforms of choice: PC

  Now Playing: Borderlands 2, TF2

  Gameplay frequency: 15 Hours

  Attributes: Socialite, Co-Op fan, Explorer, Team Player, Mature

  Seeking: Co-Op fans, Team Player, Explorer

  About me

  I enjoy co-op when I'm not soloing, and forming a plan of attack (but sometimes pulling a Leroy is just so appealing). I chat a little but not incessantly, usually just about the game and relay gameplay info (Badass on your six!).


  Are you a game collector (retail games)?

  I'm not much of a collector, I tend to get few games but really sink my teeth into the ones I enjoy.

  How current do you keep with the games?

  I get games when I have the money and time. I figure out what my friends are playing if i want to co-op, or sometimes browse the Steam sale to find older games I may have missed out on.

  Are you an achievement or trophy hunter?

  I enjoy getting achievements but do not usually go out of my way for them unless the team wants to.

  Are you a completionist?

  Not particularly, but I do tend to clear an area and get everything possible done if I've already gone to that effort.

  Do you jump right into the Multiplayer version of a game?

  Totally depends on the game and my experience with the series. Borderlands yes, but a game like BF3 not so much as I tend to play the campaigns first since that will be my first in the series.

  How long have you been gaming?

  25 years! Probably 19 or so on consoles and the last 6 years have been mostly PC gaming.

  Related Links:

  Steam Profile: zyxe

  Team: I'm a free agent :)





  Gamer ID(s): Bozanimal

  Platforms of choice: PC, Wii

  Now Playing: Team Fortress 2, Super Monday Night Combat, LA Noire

  Gameplay frequency: 8 to 10 Hours

  About me

  Father of triplets, business professional, superior lover, and avid gamer.


  Are you a game collector (retail games)?


  How current do you keep with the games?

  I generally find a game I really enjoy and stick with it for a long time. I was playing UT3 before swapping to TF2.

  Are you an achievement or trophy hunter?

  It's an ancillary goal.

  Are you a completionist?

  Single-player games yes, multiplayer games, no.

  Do you jump right into the Multiplayer version of a game?


  How long have you been gaming?

  My very first game was Asteroids.

  Related Links:

  Twitter: @Bozanimal





  Gamer ID(s): XBL - Hippocrates /PSN - dudeasar

  Platforms of choice: Xbox 360, PS3, or PC

  Now Playing: Guild Wars 2, Halo 4

  Gameplay frequency:15-20 Hours

  Attributes:Mature, Achievement Hunter, Trophy Hunter, Socialite, Co-Op fan, Completionist, Shooters, RPGr, Rush player, Wild Card

  Seeking: Same as above.

  About me

  Friendly guy who loves playing co-op games online. Into a wide variety of different types of games. If it's fun, I'll try it.


  Are you a game collector (retail games)?

  I do have an enormous collection of games from over the years.

  How current do you keep with the games?

  I tend to keep pretty current.

  Are you an achievement or trophy hunter?

  For certain games, I am a big achievement hunter.

  If you said yes to the last question, is there a particular achievement or trophy you’re trying to unlock?

  Most of the Halo 4 ones.

  Are you a completionist?


  Do you jump right into the Multiplayer version of a game?

  No, unless it's co-op.

  How long have you been gaming?

  Since the mid 1980's.





  Gamer ID(s): PSN- YurSoJealous / GamerTag- Y Ur So Jealous

  Platforms of choice: PS3, xbox 360, wii, and classic platforms

  Now Playing: Call of duty black op 2 and WWE 13

  Gameplay frequency:30 hours

  Attributes:Hypercompetitive, Mature, Achievement Hunter, Trophy Hunter, Collectors, Co-Op fan, Completionist, Perfectionist, Shooters, Strategists, Storyteller, Traditional, Soloist, Simulator, Follower, Leader, Explorer, Survivalists, Team Player, Sage, Glitcher, Speedrunner, Ghost

  Seeking: Same as above.

  About me

  I was born deaf. I started play super mario for NES when I was three years old and loving it so my mother brough me Sega Genesis for Chirstmas and got hooked on video game even since now :p


  Are you a game collector (retail games)?

  I'm a game collector, I keep follow the series such as legend of zelda, bloodly roar, tekken and ects but I have over 800 games in total. I would love take pictrue of it but I'm in middle of moving at the moment.

  How current do you keep with the games?

  I play it until I get bored of it or reach 100% unless if I have friends to play with such as call of duty I would still enjoy playing it.

  Are you an achievement or trophy hunter?

  I'm both an achievement hunter and trophy hunter. I hunt them on my free time when I'm bored.

  Is there a particular achievement or trophy you’re trying to unlock?

  I would like to unlock most of call of duty black ops 2 trophy(didn't play zombies mode yet) and WWE 13 online trophy.

  Are you a completionist?

  Yes I am, I enjoy set my goal and finish game 100%

  Do you jump right into the Multiplayer version of a game?

  Not always but if I know someone play this game I would jump right into multiplayer for sure.

  Have you been in a team before?

  I used to be in cBs(Can't Be Stopped) ranked number one clan in smackdown vs raw series for three years stright (05-07) and I was top player in 2006 and stay at #1 postion for almost 8 months until someone who use gameshark and pass my record. so right now I'm looking for friendly clan to join for call of duty.





  Gamer ID(s): XBL/PSN: Allicrombie

  Timezone: PST

  Now Playing: Skyrim, Rock Band 3

  Platforms of choice: Xbox 360

  Gameplay frequency: 10-20 a week

  Attributes: Collector, RPGr, Storyteller, Traditional, Quirky, Soloist, Explorer

  Seeking: Same as all of my attributes plus Wildcard

  About me

  I got into gaming because games are a unique medium for storytelling, and I love a good story.


  Are you a game collector (retail games)?


  How current do you keep with the games?

  I play newer games as well as retro ones.

  Are you an achievement or trophy hunter?

  Not terribly.

  Are you a completionist?

  Not really.

  Do you jump right into the Multiplayer version of a game?

  Not usually.

  How long have you been gaming?

  I started gaming on the Colecovision with the Cabbage Patch Kids game. Horrible game.





  Gamer ID(s): Steam/Xfire: scootswc3 | X360/PSN: DaBillyBob

  Timezone: EST (-5)

  Now Playing: Battlefield 3, Halo 4, World of Tanks

  Platforms of choice: PC, Xbox 360, Playstation 3

  Gameplay frequency: 10-15 hours a week

  Attributes: Mature , Socialite, Shooter, Follower, Team Player

  Seeking: Same as all of my attributes

  About me

  I am a full-time student. Big sports fan, love my Cleveland teams! I am also a pretty big gamer. I enjoy most genres. Radio is my passion, I love talking to people and meeting new people!


  Are you a game collector (retail games)?

  I am not a game collector, although I do have a good handful of games.

  How current do you keep with the games?

  I keep up-to-date with games.

  Are you a completionist?


  Do you jump right into the Multiplayer version of a game?

  Yes, I do tend to favor multiplayer in most games which will lead me to head straight for it.

  How long have you been gaming?

  I have been gaming since I was 3. I started with an NES, Game Boy, and PC.

  Related Links:

  Homepage @Behrendbvz.org

  Twitter: @@therealscooter





  Gamer ID(s): Hollow_Tipz_

  Timezone: US Eastern

  Now Playing: Battle Field 3, Black Ops 2, DayZ

  Platforms of choice: PS3, PC

  Gameplay frequency: 14-25 hours a week

  Attributes: Hypercompetitive, Competitive, Mature, Socialite, Shooters , Storyteller, Follower, Leader , Explorer , Survivalists , Team Player

  Seeking: Same as all of my attributes plus someone who is a Professional Gamer, and Ghost attribute.

  About me

  Are you a game collector (retail games)? (note, Share your honest answer for the interview question. If you tend to share photos of your game collections, you may want to consider listing it as a player attribute, we call collectionist!) I often keep games that I intend to play again in the future even if I have beaten it several times. Some games I'll trade back in for other games because it is only a one time deal. How current do you keep with the games? (note, This is mainly to determine if you're intro retro games, there's plenty of people who stick with the older games, and they'd love to meet someone else that does. But, if you keep with current games, there's also plenty of gamers like you!) I tend to be in-between, depending on the genre and the game. I most often will stick with new games but like to play older games from the past, such as Final Fantasy VI or Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Are you an achievement or trophy hunter? (note, Share your honest answer for the interview portion of the profile. If so, you may want to consider the trophy hunter or achievement hunter player attribute.) I'll go after trophies I feel are worthwhile but tend to just get games I actually want to play. There are several games I have thoroughly enjoyed but never completely finished getting the platinum for it. If you said yes to the last question, is there a particular achievement or trophy you’re trying to unlock? (note, We ask this question to help you find players that may be able to help out this winter!) Right now, not really although I do want to get back into Borderlands 2 to get some of those. Are you a completionist? (note, Answer honestly, but we ask this question to determine another player attribute, if you finish the single player version of the game, you'd fall under this category.) I try to be. Often, I will try and complete a game a few times if I really enjoyed it. Do you jump right into the Multiplayer version of a game? (note, Answer honestly, but if you do jump right over to multiplayer, we consider it as a player attribute!) Depends on the game. Uncharted 3, I have not played but with Black Ops 2, I've only played Multiplayer. How long have you been gaming? (note, This doesn't have to be how many years, it could be a list of games you started with. If you already explained this under about me, you can skip.) I really started with the Atari 2600 and haven't stopped. Can't remember the year exactly but I was pretty young. Livestream: (note, Do you livestream your gameplay on Twitch or other sites? We're building a Live gameplay section in our feature so we'd love to have you featured there! Share the urls. Dont forget, some games now have easier ways to livestream based on built in game tools! For instance, if you're playing BlackOps 2, share your Youtube.com page with us.) No, I haven't livestreamed any of my game play but could possibly in the future. Homepage (note, If you have a blog offsite, or another site you want people to check out, share the url here.). Twitter or other social network site: (note, If you have a public Facebook group, fan page, or Twitter account, feel free to share it with us.). Team: (clan/guild/group) (note, this field is mainly here for those who want to stand proud or if they’d like to recruit other players, so we’d hyperlink it. You can also list your Steam community or Union, or other relevant groups you want to mention.).


  Are you a game collector (retail games)?


  How current do you keep with the games?

  I generally don't play games that are older, that's what I can use Youtube for!

  Are you an achievement or trophy hunter?


  Are you a completionist?


  Do you jump right into the Multiplayer version of a game?

  Yes, definitely!

  How long have you been gaming?

  As early as possible in my life (maybe 17 years). I started with an original Nintendo and a Sega.

  Related Links:

  Twitter: @EPaine





  Gamer ID(s): PS3: killer21cdm

  Timezone: EST

  Now Playing: Black Ops 2, Ratchet and Clank Collection, Borderlands 2

  Platforms of choice: Playstation 3

  Gameplay frequency: 10-20+ hours a week

  Attributes: Competitive, Shooters, Wild Card, Ghost

  Seeking: Same as all of my attributes

  About me

  I graduated with my Masters in Computer Systems Security in September '11. I spent 8 years in the United States Marine Corps and had a great time. I am a gamer at heart which means I have been breaking controllers since the earlier 80's.


  Are you a game collector (retail games)?

  I often keep games that I intend to play again in the future even if I have beaten it several times. Some games I'll trade back in for other games because it is only a one time deal.

  How current do you keep with the games?

  I tend to be in-between, depending on the genre and the game. I most often will stick with new games but like to play older games from the past, such as Final Fantasy VI or Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.

  Are you an achievement or trophy hunter?

  I'll go after trophies I feel are worthwhile but tend to just get games I actually want to play. There are several games I have thoroughly enjoyed but never completely finished getting the platinum for it.

  Is there a particular achievement or trophy you’re trying to unlock?

  I do want to get back into Borderlands 2 to get some of those.

  Are you a completionist?

  I try to be. Often, I will try and complete a game a few times if I really enjoyed it.

  Do you jump right into the Multiplayer version of a game?

  Depends on the game. Uncharted 3, I have not played but with Black Ops 2, I've only played Multiplayer.

  How long have you been gaming?

  I really started with the Atari 2600 and haven't stopped. Can't remember the year exactly but I was pretty young.





  Gamer ID(s): Steam ID: _HJP_

  Timezone: GMT+2

  Now Playing: Assassin's Creed III, PlanetSide 2, Minecraft.

  Platforms of choice: PC

  Gameplay frequency: 40-60 hours.a week

  Attributes: Mature, Completionist, Perfectionist, Shooters, RPGr, Storyteller, Simulator, Explorer

  Seeking: Same as all of my attributes

  About me

  I've been a PC gamer since 1996. I enjoy all game genres. The most important aspect in a game for me is the story, which makes my favorite genre the point and click adventure games. I mainly play singleplayer, but i do try multiplayer occasionally. Aside from gaming, my other hobbies are 3D art and VFX.


  Are you a game collector (retail games)?


  How current do you keep with the games?

  I keep up very well with new games, but lately there hasn't been a lot of games that interest me. But i also love to go back and play some old games from time to time.

  Are you an achievement or trophy hunter?

  Only if the achievements have a meaning in the game. Like in Borderlands for example.

  Are you a completionist?

  Yes! And i can proudly say that i have never left a game unfinished.

  Do you jump right into the Multiplayer version of a game?

  No, i usually ignore the multiplayer side of the game completely.

  How long have you been gaming?

  Since 1996. And the first games i played were Prince of Persia, Secret of Monkey Island, and Doom.

  Related Links:

  Twitter: @@_HJP_





  Gamer ID(s): Steam: Sevix / PSN: Squirrel_Monk

  Timezone: GMT-6 CST

  Now Playing: Company of Heroes, Warhammer 40k: Space Marine, The Walking Dead

  Platforms of choice: PC, PS3

  Gameplay frequency: About 16 hours a week

  Attributes: Mature, Socialite, • Co-Op fan, Shooters, Strategists, RPGr, Storyteller, Soloist, Follower , Leader, Explorer, Survivalists, Team Player

  Seeking: Same as all of my attributes

  About me

  I'm just a guy who enjoys video games. I am a college student, father, husband, and avid gamer. I've been a gamer for almost 20 years and don't plan to stop until the day I die.


  Are you a game collector (retail games)?

  Nope, Steam sales FTW!

  How current do you keep with the games?

  I lag behind. My philosophy is to wait until a game is cheaper. For instance I bout L.A. Noire for $5. Much cheaper than $60. I'm patient enough, and enjoy enough games to last me until the price lowers on anything currently out.

  Are you an achievement or trophy hunter?

  I will only go after a very few trophies specifically if they aren't much trouble.

  Are you a completionist?

  I honestly try to be. I always do eventually but I typically juggle at least 3 games that I play at the same time.

  Do you jump right into the Multiplayer version of a game?

  No never. Single player always comes first.

  How long have you been gaming?

  I cannot remember a time I wasn't a gamer. I grew up with the NES playing Paperboy, Star Tropics, Super Mario Bros and many others.

  Related Links:

  Team The Black Watch Gaming





  Gamer ID(s): Xboxlive: buster8unny / Steam: Yagr_zero

  Timezone: USA PST

  Now Playing: Halo 4, Assassin's Creed Revelations, Need for Speed Most Wanted

  Platforms of choice: Xbox360 and PC

  Gameplay frequency: 20 hours a week

  Attributes: Mature, Achievement Hunter, Co-Op fan, Completionist, Shooters, Strategists, Storyteller, Simulator, Explorer, Team Player

  Seeking: Same as all of my attributes

  About me

  I'm an engineering student who loves to play and complete games. I am a shameless achievement hunter, yet I won't hesitate to play other games for fun competition and whatnot.


  Are you a game collector (retail games)?

  I am a game collector of sorts, although I'm not serious in that I try to collect every game out there.

  How current do you keep with the games?

  I try to be up to date with the current games that are out. I haven't bought too many retro in the past, virtual console notwithstanding.

  Are you an achievement or trophy hunter?

  Yes I am a little bit of an achievement hunter. I like to collect all of the achievements in a game and don't consider a game fully complete until all the achievements are unlocked.

  Is there a particular achievement or trophy you’re trying to unlock?

  I'm typically hunting for the online multiplayer achievements. Right now it's trying to obtain the rank of 50 in Assassin's Creed Brotherhood.

  Are you a completionist?

  I am a completionist and factor that into achievement progress.

  Do you jump right into the Multiplayer version of a game?

  Some times, but not always. It depends on the game. For Halo 4, for example, I finished the campaign first before moving into the multiplayer, however for Assassin's Creed Brotherhood and Revelations, I jumped right into the multiplayer right away.

  How long have you been gaming?

  I've been gaming since I can remember. My parents bought me an Atari 2600 when I was a kid and later upgraded to the Gameboy and Super Nintendo.





  Gamer ID(s): MethodMan008 (PS3 and Steam)

  Timezone: Central

  Now Playing: L4D2, Dark Souls

  Platforms of choice: PC and PS3

  Gameplay frequency: Varies

  Attributes: Hypercompetitive, Competitive, Mature, Socialite, Co-Op fan, Shooters, RPGr, Storyteller, Quirky, Follower, Leader, Explorer, Survivalists, Team Player

  Seeking: Same as all of my attributes plus Professional Gamer, Collectors, Completionist, Strategists , Traditional, Rush player, Soloist, Simulator, Sage, Speedrunner, Ghost

  About me

  I'm a dude that likes video games. I stream a bit, my favorite game is Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, I play a ton of L4D2. Write about them @ Nerd4Sure.com sometimes.


  Are you a game collector (retail games)?

  Not at all. PC and PS3 are my favorite consoles because they are pretty much all digital. I used to be a big collector during N64/PS1 era, but now the only actual discs I own to play games anymore are MGS collection, MGS4, ultimate marvel vs capcom 3, and persona 4 arena.. Everything else is stored on a hard drive.

  How current do you keep with the games?

  I buy all the new games that interest me, unfortunately I don't have to PLAY all the games that interest me. Just got around to playing Max Payne 3, good stuff!

  Are you an achievement or trophy hunter?

  Not at all.

  Are you a completionist?

  I like to see the ending of all games I play.

  Do you jump right into the Multiplayer version of a game?

  Not usually.

  How long have you been gaming?

  Started really playing games with the PS1 and N64, but did play casually with SNES and the genesis.

  Related Links:

  Twitch: GSMethodMan008





  Gamer ID(s): MaximumSandwich XBL Kevin2684 PSN

  Timezone: Eastern

  Now Playing: Medal of Honor Warfighter, Hotline Miami

  Platforms of choice: Xbox 360, Playstation 3, PC

  Gameplay frequency: 8 to 10 hours a week

  Attributes: Mature, Achievement Hunter, Trophy Hunter, Collectors, Completionist, Perfectionist, Shooters, Strategists, RPGr, Storyteller, Traditional, Quirky, Soloist, Simulator, Follower, Leader, Explorer, Survivalists, Team Player, Sage, Wild Card, Ghost

  Seeking: All of my attributes

  About me

  I like VideoGames!


  Are you a game collector (retail games)?


  How current do you keep with the games?

  Old and new games

  Are you an achievement or trophy hunter?


  Are you a completionist?

  Depends on the game

  Do you jump right into the Multiplayer version of a game?

  Depends on the game

  How long have you been gaming?

  Over 25 years





  Gamer ID(s): PM

  Timezone: PST

  Now Playing: Borderlands 2, Pokemon white 2, Thief 2

  Platforms of choice: PS3, 3DS, PC

  Gameplay frequency: 32 hours a week

  Attributes: Mature, Collectors, Co-Op fan, Shooters, Strategists, RPGr, Storyteller, Traditional, Quirky, Soloist, Follower, Leader, Explorer, Survivalists, Team Player, Sage

  Seeking: Same as all of my attributes

  About me

  See below


  Are you a game collector (retail games)?

  I have an eclectic game collection. Preferring quality of collection over quantity

  How current do you keep with the games?

  Within 2 weeks typically.

  Are you an achievement or trophy hunter?


  Are you a completionist?


  Do you jump right into the Multiplayer version of a game?

  Not Typically

  How long have you been gaming?

  21 years, give or take. Since Kindergarten.





  Gamer ID(s): Xbox: Saint Saigo / Steam: -Saigo-

  Timezone: MST

  Now Playing: Star Wars: The Old Republic, Torchlight 2, Assassin's Creed 3

  Platforms of choice: PC or Xbox

  Gameplay frequency: 15 to 20 hours a week

  Attributes: Competitive, Mature, Achievement Hunter, Completionist, RPGr, Storyteller, Traditional, Ghost

  Seeking: Same as all of my attributes plus a Team Player.

  About me

  Despite my real world antics, I'm somewhat of an antisocial gamer who needs a little nudge to play with a group. I'm not the most talkative gamer but I'll get the job done: Service with a smi


  Are you a game collector (retail games)?

  Regretfully yes. I'm a bargain hunter though and I very rarely pay retail price for a game. Unfortunately, my gaming habits seldom keep pace with the frequency of my bargain busting spending habits. For shame!

  How current do you keep with the games?

  I stay as current as possible while constantly adding retro titles I've missed over the years or was too poor to purchase at release. I rotate between new games and outdated additions frequently.

  Are you an achievement or trophy hunter?

  It depends on the achievement but I generally shoot for a good completion percentage in order to feel justified in moving on to the next game.

  If you said yes to the last question, is there a particular achievement or trophy you’re trying to unlock?

  At this time…no, not that I can think of.

  Are you a completionist?

  Yes, regardless of how miserable the game is. I've complained about how bad I've hated a game for weeks at a time…but I always finish what I start.

  Do you jump right into the Multiplayer version of a game?

  Very rarely. I usually try to at least get a feel for the single player story before playing multiplayer with friends.

  How long have you been gaming?

  Since the days when Nintendo was king (NES) and their seal of quality still meant something.

  Related Links:

  Homepage: saigostyle.com (under development)





  Gamer ID(s): Pm me

  Timezone: Berlin gmt+1

  Now Playing: Forza Horizon, PES 13 and Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale

  Platforms of choice: 3DS and PC

  Gameplay frequency: 50 hours a week

  Attributes: Mature, Achievement Hunter, Trophy Hunter, Collectors, Co-Op fan, Completionist, Shooters, RPGr, Storyteller, Simulator, Follower, Team Player, Ghost

  Seeking: Same as all of my attributes plus Socialite and Leader

  About me

  Patient player that likes to play with others


  Are you a game collector (retail games)?

  I like to collect games, yes. But i do not have the biggest collection yet

  How current do you keep with the games?

  I play new games, but i also tend to player 2-3 year old games as well

  Are you an achievement or trophy hunter?

  i like to get the achievments for my skillevel

  Are you a completionist?

  i like to finish all my games.

  Do you jump right into the Multiplayer version of a game?

  Depends on the game, but i mostly finish the game in singplayer if i play the multiplayer at all

  How long have you been gaming?

  i started with the snes with the mario kart. I have played every generation since then until the present

  Related Links:

  Twitter: @The_Last_Ride1





  Gamer ID(s): PSN/Steam: BenderUnit22

  Timezone: CET

  Now Playing: League of Legends

  Platforms of choice: PS3, PC, Xbox (no XBL Gold)

  Gameplay frequency: 30 hours a week

  Attributes: Mature, Trophy Hunter, Co-Op fan, Completionist, Perfectionist, Shooters, Strategists, RPGr, Storyteller, Traditional, Quirky, Soloist, Follower, Explorer, Team Player, Sage, Ghost

  Seeking: Mature, Co-Op fan, Team Player

  About me

  Gamer in his late 20s, been playing since 6 years old, finds system wars silly.


  Are you a game collector (retail games)?

  I never trade games back, have quite the collection, but won't buy crap games just to have them.

  How current do you keep with the games?

  I like to go back to old favourites, but I generally keep current with new releases.

  Are you an achievement or trophy hunter?

  I used to be more serious about it, now I don't care anymore unless the game is fun regardless.

  Are you a completionist?


  Do you jump right into the Multiplayer version of a game?


  How long have you been gaming?

  Since the NES (or a bit before on a Game&Watch)





  Gamer ID(s): XBL: Orion Runner

  Timezone: EST

  Now Playing: Black Ops 2; Diablo 3; Dishonored

  Platforms of choice: Xbox 360

  Gameplay frequency: 10-15 a week

  Attributes: Mature, Socialite, Co-Op fan, Completionist, Shooters, RPGr, Storyteller, Traditional , Follower, Explorer, Team Player

  Seeking: Same as all of my attributes

  About me

  Casual gamer, 39 years old. Gamer, Comic Reader. Marathon Runner.


  Are you a game collector (retail games)?

  Not a real game collector.

  How current do you keep with the games?

  I keep up with many of the new AAA releases.

  Are you a completionist?

  I do play through the Single player story line, but not necessarily looking for all achievements

  Do you jump right into the Multiplayer version of a game?

  For FPS I do more MP than Single Player

  How long have you been gaming?

  I started as a kid with the Atari 2600. So about 30 years

  Related Links

  - Twitter: @Orion_Runner





  Gamer ID(s): XBL: PerfectSkorn

  Timezone: CST

  Now Playing: CoD: Black Ops 2, Halo 4, & Mass Effect 3.

  Platforms of choice: Xbox 360

  Gameplay frequency: 20+ a week

  Attributes: Competitive, Mature, Achievement Hunter, Perfectionist, Shooters, RPGr

  Seeking: Mature, Co-op

  About me

  Check below.


  Are you a game collector (retail games)?

  I get a lot of games but I try to keep it under control.

  How current do you keep with the games?

  I keep very current. Check around online every day.

  Are you an achievement or trophy hunter?

  I am a big achievement hunter! I go for achievements all the time.

  If you said yes to the last question, is there a particular achievement or trophy you’re trying to unlock?

  I am trying to unlock Seriously 2.0 right now.

  Are you a completionist?

  Absolutely. I try and complete every game I get. =-)

  Do you jump right into the Multiplayer version of a game?

  No. I jump into Single-Player 1st for sure.

  How long have you been gaming?

  Many years. Still have my NES. lol

  Are you in a team?

  PerfectLead (pL)





  Gamer ID(s): Peachfarmer, Zucchinis

  Timezone: EST

  Now Playing: League of Legends, Xenoblade, The Walking Dead

  Platforms of choice: PC

  Gameplay frequency: 20+ a week

  Attributes: Competitive, Mature, Socialite, Strategists, RPGr, Quirky, Team Player, Sage

  Seeking: Same as all of my attributes

  About me

  Comic book collector, aspiring mathematician, gamer.

  Interview Are you a game collector (retail games)?


  How current do you keep with the games?

  Not very current with the majority of mainstream gaming, although I do like to follow the indie and select competitive gaming scenes.

  Are you an achievement or trophy hunter?


  Are you a completionist?

  On occasion.

  Do you jump right into the Multiplayer version of a game?


  How long have you been gaming?

  Started with the NES as a toddler.





  Gamer ID(s): PS3 ID - that-acmilan-guy / Steam ID - rock1m1

  Timezone: GMT +6

  Now Playing: (PS3) - Need For Speed: Most Wanted, Resistance 3 Co-op, PayDay Heist, Max Payne 3, Battlefield 3. (PC, Steam) - Left4Dead

  Platforms of choice: Playstation 3

  Gameplay frequency: 21 hours a week

  Attributes: Mature, Sage, Trophy Hunter, Socialite, Collectors, Co-Op fan, Completionist, Perfectionist, Shooters, RPGr, Storyteller, Quirky, Follower, Leader, Explorer, Survivalists, Team Player

  Seeking: Same as all of my attributes

  About me

  Hey there, I am a metal head gamer. I prefer a good story and characters instead of fragging random people, so I live and breathe Singleplayer games. With that being said, I also love co-op. Nothing is more fun playing with a friend and having a great time :)


  Are you a game collector (retail games)?

  I love retail games, not only I love tangible things in nature but also it looks great how it create's it's own space on my shelf.

  Are you an achievement or trophy hunter?

  Yes, I got 24 platinums to date. Some of the proudest platinum trophies I can think of: Dark Souls, Demon's Souls, Batman Arkham City, Arkham Asylum, Modern Warfare 2

  Is there a particular achievement or trophy you’re trying to unlock?

  I am trying to get the trophy in Battlefield 3 which requires you to finish the CO-OP levels under hard difficulty. I got all of them except 'exfiltration' mission

  Are you a completionist?


  Do you jump right into the Multiplayer version of a game?


  How long have you been gaming?

  I started game from the NES era, although I truly dived into gaming culture from the Sega Genesis era.

  Related Links

  - Homepage: Blog

  - Twitter: Homepage: @adnan_ahmed





  Gamer ID(s): MugiwaraTenks

  Timezone: EST

  Now Playing: League of Legends, Dota 2, SSF4

  Platforms of choice: PC

  Gameplay frequency: 40 hours a week

  Attributes: Competitive, Speedrunner, Wild Card

  Seeking: Hypercompetitive

  About me

  I'm MugiwaraTenks/Dota2/Mugi and I almost exclusively play Fighting games and more importantly MOBAs. Dota vet. Long time league player. Meepo and Broodmother in Dota. Elise and Blitzcrank in League.


  Are you a game collector (retail games)?


  How current do you keep with the games?


  Are you an achievement or trophy hunter?

  A little bit, not nearly as much any more.

  Are you a completionist?

  I do enjoy 100%ing games, but I don't have the time.

  Do you jump right into the Multiplayer version of a game?


  How long have you been gaming?

  10 years at the very least.





  Gamer ID(s): PSN: TechnoStanczyk / Steam: Stanczyk / XBL: TechnoStanczyk

  Timezone: UTC-06:00/Central Time

  Now Playing: Grand Theft Auto IV, Garry's Mod, Call of Duty Black Ops 2

  Platforms of choice: PC, PS3

  Gameplay frequency: Enough

  Attributes: Mature, Co-Op fan, Shooters, Strategists, Simulator, Explorer, Team Player, Wild Card, Ghost

  Seeking: Same as all of my attributes

  About me

  Gaming since I was 3 years old, mainly on console up until 2009, where I moved over to the PC platform through steam sales. Some time is still spent towards consoles, but majority of time goes into the PC. I'm Polish as the username suggests. In my free time, I watch a lot of netflix and youtube.


  Are you a game collector (retail games)?

  If I can find a copy, yes. Otherwise I don't go out of the way to do so.

  How current do you keep with the games?

  I attempt to keep current, but with lack of funds, I don't get the "latest" and "greatest" right away.

  Are you an achievement or trophy hunter?

  Depends on the game. If I really get into the game, I'll try to get as many achievements/trophies as I.

  Are you a completionist?

  I like to at least get to the end of the game. I won't always 100% it though.

  Do you jump right into the Multiplayer version of a game?

  Depends on the game. Games like Call of Duty or Battlefield, I jump right into multiplayer. Every other game, single player first, then multiplayer.

  How long have you been gaming?

  Since 1998. Started with the Game Boy Color with Pokemon Blue. As well as the Sega Dreamcast.





  Gamer ID(s): Steam: fuzzth LOL: fuzzth PSN: princearthas XBOX: mehfuz

  Timezone: CST

  Now Playing: League of Legends, Planetside 2, Team Fortress 2

  Platforms of choice: PC PS3

  Gameplay frequency: 25 hours a week

  Attributes: Competitive, Co-Op fan, Shooters, RPGr, Explorer, Team Player

  Seeking: Same as all of my attributes

  About me

  True gamer, playing game for almost 20 years. Started with Atari but never had any other console until the PlayStation 3.I bought recently. League of Legends and Team Fortress 2 are my two main games now. Long live Gabe Newell and Riot.


  Are you a game collector (retail games)?

  I do have decent collection of PC and PS3 game but most of my belongs to steam.

  How current do you keep with the games?

  I play all kinds of game. Keep the shooter and MMO games on PC, Rest on PS3.

  Are you a completionist?

  I finish the game i enjoy playing. If the game does not impress me in first hour or so most probably i am not going to complete it.

  Do you jump right into the Multiplayer version of a game?

  No, i start with single player just to get a hold of the control and get some experience with the game. I even try the bot match if the game offer that option.

  How long have you been gaming?

  I started gaming in early 90s with an Atari 5200.

  Are you in a team?

  Used to play for some semi-pro TF2 teams, they are all disbanded.

  Related Links

  - Twitter: @mehfuz

  - Site: Long-time member of Stompfest.com Community.





  Gamer ID(s): PSN: OwlRammer Steam: OwlRammer Xfire: OwlRammer

  Timezone: Pacific Time Zone (PST) (UTC-8)

  Now Playing: League of Legends, Call of Duty MW3, Battlefield 3

  Platforms of choice: PS3, PC

  Gameplay frequency: 40+ hours a week

  Attributes: Competitive, Mature, Trophy Hunter, Collectors, Co-Op fan, Perfectionist, Shooters, Strategists, Rush player, Quirky, Follower, Leader, Team Player, Ghost

  Seeking: Same as all of my attributes

  About me

  My favorite genres are puzzle and rhythm games (but still like others!). I also like multiplayer games and enjoy playing with other people, as long as the people aren't the type to get mad and rage at everyone (can't always have that perfect game every time).


  Are you a game collector (retail games)

  Yes I am. Due to budget problems and all the new games coming out this has been on hold though @_@

  How current do you keep with the games

  Lately all I keep up with is current games, if I make the effort to look lol. Hey, it's easier to watch tv and see a commercial than it is too look, right

  Are you an achievement or trophy hunter?

  Trophy hunter. Collection is alright, but I plan to go through my log and get some more in a week or two when I have free time :)

  Are you a completionist

  Yes, I like to complete as much as possible to get my money's worth out of a game.

  Do you jump right into the Multiplayer version of a game

  For FPS games I usually do, otherwise I generally play the single player first.

  How long have you been gaming

  I have been gaming for 12 years since I got a GameBoy Color along with a copy of Bionic Commando for Christmas. In love with games ever since.





  Gamer ID(s): SpinAsbel

  Timezone: CST

  Now Playing: League of Legends, Guild Wars 2, Majora's Mask

  Platforms of choice: Wii, 3DS

  Gameplay frequency: 15 hours.

  Attributes: Socialite, Co-Op fan, RPGr, Follower

  Seeking: Mature, Socialite, Wild Card

  About me

  See below


  Are you a game collector (retail games)?

  I don't buy games often or in high frequency but unless a digital game has something like a 75% sale, I'll go through drastic lengths to make sure I get a physical copy.

  How current do you keep with the games?

  I usually browse several message boards for new games available to consoles that I might play.

  Are you an achievement or trophy hunter?

  Not necessarily. If I don't feel like doing the main part of the game, I'll try side objectives.

  Are you a completionist?

  Similar to the achievement question. If I've reached end game and I don't feel like putting the game down just yet, I'll most likely grind for that 100%.

  How long have you been gaming?

  I started playing games about fourteen years ago when I was gifted a SNES as birthday present.





  Gamer ID(s): Steam: eddy96 / PSN: eddy96 / Xbox: edrobertson

  Timezone: GMT +8.0

  Now Playing: World of Warcraft, Black Ops 2, Mass Effect 2

  Platforms of choice: PC, PS3 and Xbox

  Gameplay frequency: 20+ hours a week

  Attributes: Competitive, Mature, Achievement Hunter, Trophy Hunter, Socialite, Collectors, Completionist, Shooters, Strategists, RPGr, Storyteller, Rush player, Quirky, Soloist, Explorer, Survivalists, Team Player, and Wild Card.

  Seeking: Same as all of my attributes

  About me

  Aussie gamer who is open to everything


  Are you a game collector ?

  Yep nothing beats a physical copy of a game. I must admit i am a sucker for collectors editions

  How current do you keep with the games?

  I keep very current with games. I have a gaming PC so have to make good use of it :P

  Are you an achievement or trophy hunter?

  I do enjoying going after achievements and trophies.

  Are you a completionist?

  I do like to complete games but not fussed if i don't complete 100% of the game

  Do you jump right into the Multiplayer version of a game?

  Depending on the game. Some games I don't bother with multiplayer and just stick to single player eg. crysis, GTA 4, Red Dead Redemption. I do go straight to multiplayer for COD though

  How long have you been gaming?

  Since i was physically able to hold the original gameboy

  Related Links

  - Homepage Robbed Design

  - Twitter: eddrobertson

  - Instagram: eddrobertson





  Gamer ID(s): XBL/GFWL: YouJustGotCaged / PSN: Marksman2200 / Steam: AlmightyDuke

  Timezone: GMT - 3:30

  Now Playing: League of Legends, Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition, Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3

  Platforms of choice: PS3, 360, PC

  Gameplay frequency: 20-30 hours a week

  Attributes: Mature, Completionist, Explorer, Sage, and Wild Card

  Seeking: Same as all of my attributes

  About me

  I am Duke, from Newfoundland, Canada, and I've come to play games!


  Are you a game collector (retail games)?


  How current do you keep with the games?

  It depends on the release schedule of the games. I'll try to stay up to date on certain franchises while buying a new game occasionally.

  Are you an achievement or trophy hunter?

  Sometimes yes, sometimes no. If I really get into a game, I'll try to do all that I can.

  Is there a particular achievement or trophy you're trying to unlock?

  There is, but it's an achievement that can be only gained by your own hard work within a game.

  Are you a completionist?

  Any game I play, I do tend to finish. Some certain RPGs however tend to get stale as I play through them, and halts my progress.

  Do you jump right into the Multiplayer version of a game?

  If it's a game with a well built multiplayer then yes. If it's a game where multiplayer was an afterthought and tossed together at the last moment then most likely no.

  How long have you been gaming?

  I been playing since the tender age of 3, playing Doom on an old pc, I didn't know what I was doing of course, but it got me started.

  Do you livestream your gameplay?

  I lack the capability to live stream at the moment, but it is a venture I am interested in.





  Gamer ID(s): Send me a pm

  Timezone: EST

  Now Playing: League of Legends, MechWarrior Online, EVE Online

  Platforms of choice: Mac, PC, Xbox, Playstation

  Gameplay frequency: 16 hours a week

  Attributes: Competitive, Mature, Co-Op fan, Shooters, Strategists, Storyteller, Quirky, Simulator, Follower, Team Player

  Seeking: Same as all of my attributes

  About me

  I am an avid gamer, obviously. I try to be fair and play with honor. I have an old school sense of honor and try to live by a code. I treat others how I expect to be treated. I enjoy good humor. I enjoy being around fun and intelligent people.


  Are you a game collector?

  I don't really collect games. But I tend to collect items in free to play games, like champions and classes if it is a good game. I like to obtain or unlock all items possible that make that games more interesting. Tribes Ascend and League of Legends are two good examples of this.

  How current do you keep with the games?

  I stay fairly current. I'm surrounded by gamers at work (in multiple locations/offices) and in my personal life.

  Are you an achievement or trophy hunter?

  I am not a trophy hunter. I tend to avoid achievements because they are a time-sink. I enjoy getting achievements from normal play but I don't go out of my way for them.

  Are you a completionist?

  I am not a completionist. I enjoy finishing campaigns but I wouldn't consider myself a hard core player in this regard.

  Do you jump right into the Multiplayer version of a game?

  I usually jump into multiplayer because I like competition and social aspect of gaming.

  How long have you been gaming?

  I've been playing games since the Atari 2600 and TI-99/4A. I also played video games pulled out of magazines, programmed into, IBM PCs, and stored on 5.25" floppy discs. I've played on many console systems throughout the years. Genesis, Nintendo 64, and Dreamcast rank top among my favorites.





  Gamer ID(s): CC_Kid

  Timezone: Eastern Time (US & Canada)

  Now Playing: Resident Evil 6, 007 Legends, Asassin's Creed III

  Platform of choice: PSN

  Gameplay frequency: 24 Hours (easy)

  Attributes: Competitive , Achievement Hunter, Trophy Hunter, Perfectionist, Shooters, Storyteller, Soloist, Simulator, Explorer, Survivalists, and Wild Card, Ghost.

  Seeking: Soloist

  About me

  I am an old school gamer ... meaning that I love the older titles and am loyal to them all. This means that I don't usually buy games that I don't know, unless something about a certain game has caught my attention and I've been following for awhile but when I do buy new titles I become loyal to those games as well.


  Are you a game collector?

  I don't think I would classify myself as a game collector ... but of the games I do play I usually try to buy the Collector's Edition if there is one available.

  How current do you keep with the games?

  I'd have to say that I keep current when playing games, at least I always buy them when they come out that doesn't mean that I get to play them right away (gaming back log problems).

  Are you an achievement or trophy hunter?

  No doubt about it ... I Love Trophies ... not so much the on-line trophies though. So for me to go on-line to get the trophies required for 100% completion of a game, the game has to be pretty special.

  Are you a completionist?

  Absolutely ... once I start a game it must be finished before I start another game! This would explain why at times I have such a huge gaming back log and start games months after everyone else has.

  Do you jump right into the Multiplayer version of a game?

  No. I really don't like Mutiplayer games ... too many bush wackers.

  How long have you been gaming?

  Guess I've been playing games for almost 25 years now! Wow, I'm starting to sound really old.





  Gamer ID(s): Xbox Live: sdw117117

  Timezone: EST

  Now Playing: Halo 4, Skyrim

  Platform of choice: Xbox 360

  Gameplay frequency: About 15 hours

  Attributes: Mature, Co-Op fan, Completionist, Follower, Team Player, and Sage

  Seeking: Mature, Socialite, Co-Op fan, and Completionist

  About me

  I'm a calm, casual, and friendly gamer, who likes playing games online with friends. Lately, my friends have been MIA, so I'm looking for new friends here on GSPN. So add me on Xbox Live and we'll rule the entire internet together. (or maybe we'll just rule the game lobby we're in..)


  Are you a game collector?

  I usually keep every game I purchase unless a friend or family member wants an old game I don't play.

  How current do you keep with the games?

  Depends on what games are out and if I have the money to purchase them or not. Lately I think the only game I've kept up with is Halo 4.

  Are you an achievement or trophy hunter?

  I'm not, but I'll help anyone who is.

  Are you a completionist?

  (note, Answer honestly, but we ask this question to determine another player attribute, if you finish the single player version of the game, you'd fall under this category.) Yes, once I've purchased a game I feel obligated to complete it at least once.

  Do you jump right into the Multiplayer version of a game?

  Not really. If it's Halo, then maybe, but most of the time I play the campaign a little before jumping to multiplayer.

  How long have you been gaming?

  12 years and counting! I still have my N64 from when I was 4.



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