Wonder Woman actress Gal Gadot has revealed that while having some early-day booze, she chopped off part of her finger and has yet to regain feeling in her fingertip. Speaking to Jimmy Kimmel, Gadot said at the start of the pandemic, she got really into cooking and drinking early in the day. One day, she decided to make a cabbage salad and, as she was chopping the vegetable, the knife slipped and sliced off the top of her left index finger. But that isn't the most surprising part of the story.
In all the excitement, her husband Yaron apparently picked up the finger tip, got grossed out, and threw it into the garbage disposal where it was destroyed.
"So, you know, the early days of the pandemic when you starting drinking mimosas or sangria or whatever at 11 AM? So I did that. And then I decided I'm going to make a cabbage salad. So I started to chop the thing and I completely... I chopped the top of my finger," she said.
Gadot said her husband Yaron held the finger tip and became so disgusted that he chucked it into the garbage disposal. That's why Gadot didn't go to the hospital to have it reattached, she said.
"It was a mess. Then I stopped cooking and stopped drinking," she said.
Gadot went on to say that she currently has no feeling in the top of her finger. "I'm waiting for it to come back but it's never there," she said. Kimmel shared that he had similarly lost the tip of his finger cutting parmesan cheese.
Gadot has a number of upcoming projects, including a third Wonder Woman movie and a Cleopatra film in which she plays the title role.