With just a week left in March, Microsoft has now announced the Games With Gold lineup for April 2016.
As usual, Microsoft will offer four free games in all to subscribers during the month, split between Xbox One and Xbox 360. This month's lineup includes The Wolf Among Us and Sunset Overdrive for Xbox One, while Xbox 360 users can pick up Dead Space and Saints Row IV during April.
Xbox One owners actually get four free games during the month, as the two Xbox 360 titles are playable on the new console via backwards compatibility. Additionally, one of March 2016's Xbox One freebies--Lords of the Fallen--will remain free until April 15.
While you wait for April 2016's titles to arrive, be sure to grab the remaining March 2016 titles before it's too late.
The Wolf Among Us -- April 1-30Sunset Overdrive -- April 16-May 15Xbox 360:
Dead Space - April 1-15Saints Row IV -- April 16-30What do you make of the Games With Gold lineup for April 2016? Let us know in the comments below!