Fortnite's 8.50 update is now live across PS4, Xbox One, PC, Switch, and mobile devices, kicking off the game's highly anticipated Avengers: Endgame limited-time event. That isn't the extent of the crossover, however. Epic has also introduced an assortment of new Avengers-inspired cosmetics to the battle royale game, including a cool skin based on Black Widow.
The Black Widow outfit, which you can see below, is available for purchase now from Fortnite's in-game store. It costs 1,500 V-Bucks and comes in two variants: one with red hair, and one with blonde. It also includes a matching Back Bling. On top of that, Epic is selling a Widow's Bite harvesting tool skin for 800 V-Bucks, as well as a Widow's Pirouette emote for 200.
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Now Playing: Fortnite Avengers Endgame LTM Is Here - GS News Update
The Black Widow skin had been listed as a limited-time offer, to expire on the same day of its release at 5 PM PT / 8 PM ET. A day later, though, the skin is still available and the countdown has reset. That gives you at least a few more hours to grab it. There's no telling when or if it will cycle back again, but Epic has said another Avengers outfit will be going on sale "early next week."
Meanwhile, the Fortnite Endgame LTM will run through to the end of Season 8. This special mode has players either siding with Thanos and his Chitauri Invaders or the Heroes trying to stop them. Those on Team Thanos must find the six Infinity Stones scattered around the island in order to power up the mad titan, while players on the Heroes' side will need to find the Avengers' iconic weapons and wield them against the villains. There's also a set of Fortnite Endgame challenges to complete, which will unlock more Avengers-inspired cosmetics.
Epic has already issued a hotfix to the LTM, which buffs many of Thor's moves, nerfs Iron Man's gauntlet blast, and awards a little less health for gathering the infinity stones.
On top of all that, Week 9's challenges are also live in Fortnite, which means we're quickly nearing the end of Season 8. That also means you only have a little more time to complete any outstanding challenges from this season and unlock the remaining Battle Pass rewards. If you need any help, we've rounded up tips for the trickier tasks in our complete Season 8 challenges guide.