The Wu-Tang Clan once famously said they "ain't nothing to F with," but that F has a whole new meaning now that the esteemed hip-hop group is dropping into Fortnite on April 23.
The Wu Wear set will include two skins--Throwback BG and B.R.I.T.E--designed by the group, along with a loading screen, back bling, multiple emotes, and more. The skins will also be released as real-world clothing at the same time they drop in-game on the Wu-Tang Clan's official website.
The two Wu Wear skins, Throwback BG and B.R.I.T.E.The full list of items included in the Wu Wear set are as follows:
Two outfits
Throwback BG, which comes with the WUWEAR Worldwide back bling and the Neck Protector pickaxe
B.R.I.T.E, which comes with the Wu-Tang Represent back bling and Triumphant Tagger pickaxe
Both are available individually or together in a Wu Wear bundle, which also includes:
Wu-Tang Hands emoticon
Wu Boom Box spray
Wu-Tang Style loading screen
Wu-Tang banner
Wu-Tang is Forever Emote
Shimmy Surfer Glider
Wu Wrap
"Fortnite has been in my household for years," longtime Wu-Tang member RZA said in the official blog post. "It's been a pleasure and joy watching the game evolve, while becoming the go to pastime. This collaboration is a multigenerational 'drip' of swag and cool. If what you say is true, Fortnite and Wutang could be Fortangerous."
Take your new Wu Wear looks over to Coney Crossroads and bring the ruckus to the Imagined Order after this week's patch, or if you want to just keep it all so simple, here's where you can find all of this season's fish.
Jason Fanelli on Google+