Fortnite Patch Notes (Update 6.31): New Shotgun Variant, Gifting, Team Rumble LTM-March 2024
Epic Games has launched Fortnite update 6.31 and has detailed the tweaks, changes, and new additions in the full patch notes. The headliners in the Battle Royale mode are the Team Rumble Limited Time Mode and two new rarities of the Pump Shotgun. For the Save the World mode, meanwhile, there's a new Constructor called Airheart, who arrives with a Rotating Omni-directional Sentry Integrated Exoskeleton (R.O.S.I.E). Here's what's new.
Team Rumble, as you may have guessed, involves two teams of 20 players battling each other, with the first to reach 100 eliminations crowned the victor. To spice things up players will respawn five seconds after they are killed and will keep their inventory when they re-join the battle. Furthermore, eliminated players spawn a random type of ammo and a random stack of either 120 Wood, 90 Stone, or 60 Metal materials when they're taken out.
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Now Playing: Fortnite Update 6.31 Adds Epic Shotgun, Team Rumble, And Gifting - GS News Update
The new Pump Shotguns are Epic and Legendary varieties. They do 105 / 110 maximum damage, respectively, and their introduction coincides with some differences to maximum damage and damage fall-off (compared to before, they'll do more damage up close but less from further away). These two types of Pump Shotgun can be found from floor loot, chests, Supply Drops, and Vending Machines. With this change, Epic has removed the Double Barrel Shotgun from floor loot, so expect the shotguns you find on the ground to be of the Pump variety more often.
Another weapon-related change of note involves Dynamite, which was recently added. It's now possible to pick up a Dynamite that's been thrown and chuck it elsewhere; this is done by using the interact button/key while nearly it.
Finally, Epic announced it has introduced a gifting feature for a limited time (except on iOS). This feature will at least initially only be available for a week, but it allows you to buy items from the store and send them to friends. Doing so has several requirements, as outlined by Epic:
Make sure you have Multi-factor authentication enabled on your account. If you're not sure how to get this setup then check out the instructions here.You must have been friends with somebody for at least 48 hours before you can send a gift to them.You will only be able to gift three times within a 24 hour period.Any gifts that are purchased are NOT refundable.You can only gift an item that is currently available in the Item Shop.Take a look at the full patch notes for Battle Royale below, and click here for more on the Save The World mode. Since the update's release, we've also gotten Week 10 challenges, including one that has you track down the location of a camel, among other things.
Limited Time Mode: Team Rumble
Two large teams fight for the Victory Royale in an action-packed mode where the first team to get 100 eliminations wins!
Mode Details
Two teams of 20 players.Players will respawn after 5 seconds when eliminated, keeping their inventory.Eliminated players spawn a random type of ammo upon elimination, as well as a random stack of either 120 Wood, 90 Stone, or 60 Metal materials.Only Uncommon weapons (or better) are available.The first team to 100 eliminations wins.
Weapons + Items
New Epic and Legendary Pump Shotgun 105 / 110 maximum damageAvailable from floor loot, chests, Supply Drops, and Vending Machines.Shotguns will now always apply at least 3 pellets worth of damage if only 1-2 pellets hit the target. NOTE: Bonus pellets can never be critical hits.Pump Shotgun maximum damage and fall-off changes. Pump Shotgun maximum damage increased from 80 / 85 to 95 / 100 Pump shotguns will do higher damage in shorter range buckets but damage falls off quicker. This means you’ll do more damage to closer targets but less damage to farther targets.Added Stink Bombs to Supply DropsRemoved Double Barrel Shotguns from floor lootMounted Turret Adjusted Mounted Turret collision to make it easier to land shots against anyone occupying it.Removed the ability to repair the Mounted TurretFixed players being able to clip into turret barrels and get stuck.Supply drops will automatically open if landing on a Mounted TurretDrop rate reduced from 1.719% to 0.915%
Bug Fixes
The Mounted Turret can no longer fire through its own floor.Fixed an issue with players not having an audio cue while gliding after respawning.Fixed an issue with Chiller effects not applying properly to players’ feet.
Reduced the in-air speed when using the Glider Redeploy feature in supported game modes.Added functionality that allows the placement of map markers in the world without needing to go into the fullscreen map. You’ll be able to look at a position in the world and use the “Place Marker” keybind to place a map marker. This command will only be available by default while in Combat Mode.This command is defaulted to Left on the D-pad for controllers and the Middle Mouse button for PC and Mac.For Mobile players, this command will be bound to an optional button in the HUD Layout Tool.Added the ability to pick up and throw back Dynamite with a lit fuse. To throw the Dynamite with a lit fuse, get near it and use the interact key.
Bug Fixes
Increased the Dynamite explosion height against players from 192 units to 300 units. This was done to prevent players from being able to jump over the explosion area on flat ground without taking damage.
New Tournament: Alchemist Pop-Up Cup Pop-Up Cups are tournaments testing temporary, Limited Time Modes. Alchemist will continue our testing of several gameplay adjustments and may differ day to day.Initial Mode Settings: A material cap of 500 Wood, 500 Stone, 500 MetalHarvesting Rate Increased by 40%+50 Health on EliminationsStorm Surge If a certain amount of players are remaining by the time the Storm finishes closing, a Storm Surge will activate. This periodically deals damage to players who have the least amount of damage dealt during the match. Circle 1: 60 Players RemainingCircle 2: 44 Players RemainingCircle 3: 30 Players RemainingCircle 4: 20 Players RemainingCircle 5: 16 Players RemainingCircle 6: 14 Players RemainingCircle 7: 12 Players RemainingCircle 8: 6 Players RemainingCircle 9: 2 Players RemainingYour highest score or pin during any event session will now be displayed on the tournament poster in the Events tab.Pins will now reflect tournament colors on the Event Details screen.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where players would receive points during warmup island which would be later removed.
Improvements to level streaming performance on Xbox One and Switch (improving building load times during skydiving)
Player in-air falling audio cue volume has been increased.The Mounted Turret overheat audio loop volume has been reduced.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the Glider in-air audio cue wouldn’t play for players who glide in after respawning.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a crash on Nintendo Switch that occasionally occurred when logging in for the first time.
Art + Animation
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where player nameplates disappear after scrubbing a replay.
Map Marker button added to the HUD Layout ToolFortnite is also having another crossover with Disney. While the last one resulted in Thanos appearing on the island, this time it's Ralph from Disney's Wreck-It Ralph movie series. He popped up recently in Fortnite as part of an unpublicised Easter egg, likely to help promote the new film Ralph Breaks The Internet.